Need help identifying nusience red algae

You know, there has GOT to be a way to get rid of this stuff. Otherwise too many hobbyist would quit from the horror of the stuff (I have to 'cut' mine back at least once a week; grows like mad).. . . . ...
An update on my attempts to clear this stuff...

I have put 2 of the Chemi-pure sponges in my filter to see if they will soak up phosphates/ nitrites/ nitrates that may be in the water even though I cannot measure them.

I have added 6 big Mexican Turbos to the aquarium. I did not want to add too many up front in case they are not impressed with the algae. So far, they are on the rocks, but it is too early to tell if they are eating it significantly. If they do, I will add more.

just to let everyone with this algae know. . . . .I don't know exactly WHAT is was (addition of turbos and/or emerald crabs) but in the last week sinde their addition, my algae has been reduced. There have been no changes in husbandry, so I'd assume the snail are eating it.... but so far, the amount of algae has diminished by at least 60%.
That is good news Dakota_Reef. How many Turbos do you have in your 55g right now?

My Turbos are spending plenty of time nestled in the algae,and I think I am also beginning to see a noticeable reduction in stuff too.

Light at the end of the tunnel?

I started out with 6, but somehow two of them were attacked and killed by my hermits (either that or they just died and were then devoured). So now there's 4 of them.

So far, ALL of my algae (except for some of the gameophyte stage on the left side) is gone. I'm sooooooo happy. I siphoned out a bit of the rest of it, so hopefully all will be well soon. Finally, there IS a light at the end!!
Quesiton.. Is there a difference between the Mexican Turbo Snails and the Pacific Turbo Snails? I have been reading about this Asparagopsis taxiformis (because I have it) and want to order these snails. I found Mexican Turbo Snails at will these work? Where did everyone get theres?
Sorry for the tardy reply - I have been offline awhile.

From what I have read the Mexican Turbo is the same as the Pacific Turbo. I got mine at an LFS, but I believe the ones at Premium Aquatics are what you want.

Good luck... but you won't need it... these guys are amazing!
I've got this stuff in all the low current areas. Including under the fronds of my torch coral. It's taking over. Undetectable nitrate and phosphate.

Sounds like I need some mexican turbos. Thanks