Need help with apex display module

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At about 1am a breaker tripped and I lost power to the tank for a few hrs. Everything looked ok. Well my internet was on the same breaker as well so I lost connection to fusion. I thought no problem I'll just reboot the apex. This is where the problem starts. The display is lit up but blank.

Well at this point I've got about half hr before I have to leave for work. I tried a few basic things, unplugging the whole unit, unplugging the display, unplugging the display and trying a different port nothing.

I have done some research and my understanding is from either a PC or laptop I need to "wake up" the display by updating it. This is where I get lost, I'm not the most tech savvy but can figure out simple things. All the threads I read on it have to much going on to follow, or at least for me.

As of now I have zero control over my apex. If someone could help me out with child like instructions to get it going again I would greatly appreciate it.
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At about 1am a breaker tripped and I lost power to the tank for a few hrs. Everything looked ok. Well my internet was on the same breaker as well so I lost connection to fusion. I thought no problem I'll just reboot the apex. This is where the problem starts. The display is lit up but blank.

Well at this point I've got about half hr before I have to leave for work. I tried a few basic things, unplugging the whole unit, unplugging the display, unplugging the display and trying a different port nothing.

I have done some research and my understanding is from either a PC or laptop I need to "wake up" the display by updating it. This is where I get lost, I'm not the most tech savvy but can figure out simple things. All the threads I read on it have to much going on to follow, or at least for me.

As of now I have zero control over my apex. If someone could help me out with child like instructions to get it going again I would greatly appreciate it.

If it were me, I would reset the APEX (hold reset for 20 sec.) and start the setup again. This might a little over kill, but I've had to do this a few times in the past.

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If it were me, I would reset the APEX (hold reset for 20 sec.) and start the setup again. This might a little over kill, but I've had to do this a few times in the past.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I just have the Jr and don't believe there is a simple reset button on it. From the reading I have done it's my understanding I would need a file from neptune to reset it back to factory. Either way it would have to be done from a laptop of PC, which I will have to borrow since I don't own one. Factory reset would be a last resort though. Might have to bite the bullet and open a ticket with neptune.
Ok so I finally got a moment to do a little more searching and found step by step instructions for accessing the classic dashboard and then updating the screen. My final question is do I have to be on my internet that the apex is connected to or can I do it from say my neighbors pc or even my phone, I'm not thinking the phone is possible since it says it needs windows to operate but figured I'd ask.
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Do from your internet with a windows machine. You need to connect to the controller itself. When you say phone, I'm thinking of Fusion, which will not help you until you get it connected to your network. I have the new APEX, so my advice might not apply to the older models. The Neptune website provide plenty of information.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I figured I had to from mine, found a lot more of what I needed once I got the chance to search properly on break. Looks like I'll need to borrow a laptop or tablet with windows, or buy a cheap one myself.
You may not need to update the display. Go to the classic dashboard using the IP Address of the Apex. You can do that from any device with a web browser. Safari can be problematic where as chrome seems to work fine. Once you log into the base unit via the IP address, unplug the display module. Go the the configuration tab and select Modules. From there, use the pull down tab and select the display module and then select delete. Submit the changes and repeat for any additional display modules you see in the pulldown tab. Sometimes when you experience power failures, phantom display modules may show up in the list thus the reason for making sure you delete any display modules you see in the pulldown tab. Once you have deleted the display module or modules, plug the display module back in. It will immediately be added back into the module list and often times this will solve issues like you are seeing. Also, you CAN update the display module via a wireless connection since that firmware is stored in the Apex itself and transmitted via the aquabus. You just don't want to apply firmware updates to the classic Apex base units via wireless. If the display doesn't work after the above delete menthod, go back to modules, select the display module, then select update module firmware and submit. Give the Apex several minutes.

If that doesn't work, go back and unplug the module and repeate the delete process from the modules tab. Then reboot the Apex and once it's booted back up, then plug the display back in. If that doesn't solve the issue, open a support ticket with Neptune Systems.
You may not need to update the display. Go to the classic dashboard using the IP Address of the Apex. You can do that from any device with a web browser. Safari can be problematic where as chrome seems to work fine. Once you log into the base unit via the IP address, unplug the display module. Go the the configuration tab and select Modules. From there, use the pull down tab and select the display module and then select delete. Submit the changes and repeat for any additional display modules you see in the pulldown tab. Sometimes when you experience power failures, phantom display modules may show up in the list thus the reason for making sure you delete any display modules you see in the pulldown tab. Once you have deleted the display module or modules, plug the display module back in. It will immediately be added back into the module list and often times this will solve issues like you are seeing. Also, you CAN update the display module via a wireless connection since that firmware is stored in the Apex itself and transmitted via the aquabus. You just don't want to apply firmware updates to the classic Apex base units via wireless. If the display doesn't work after the above delete menthod, go back to modules, select the display module, then select update module firmware and submit. Give the Apex several minutes.

If that doesn't work, go back and unplug the module and repeate the delete process from the modules tab. Then reboot the Apex and once it's booted back up, then plug the display back in. If that doesn't solve the issue, open a support ticket with Neptune Systems.

Thank you slief! That was exactly the answer I was looking for just didn't think it was possible from all the other reading I had done. I didn't write the ip address down when I got the apex so hopefully I can find it on the CD they send. If all else fails I'm borrowing a laptop tonight and can do it the other way. Although would be nice if I can just do it the easy way.
Thank you slief! That was exactly the answer I was looking for just didn't think it was possible from all the other reading I had done. I didn't write the ip address down when I got the apex so hopefully I can find it on the CD they send. If all else fails I'm borrowing a laptop tonight and can do it the other way. Although would be nice if I can just do it the easy way.

If you don’t know the IP address, you can type into the browsers address bar: Apex.local and see if it comes up. It will often work assuming you didn’t change the name of your Apex. If you did, then type in the name of your apex followed by .local where by “Apex” in apex.local is the name of the Apex.

The Apex’s IP will be assigned via your DSL router so you will not find it on a CD though the firmware update utility will find the Apex on your network and will display it’s IP address so that is an alternate way of finding the IP address. You can also log into your DSL router and see the assigned IP address there and find it that way. Depending on what you have on your network, it might take some trial and error to figure out what device and IP it is.
I tried apex.local with no luck and have no clue about how to get into my router. Looks like my only option is the firmware update, isn't necessarily a bad thing as its needed updated since I set it up. Thanks for all the help though slief, it is very much appreciated.
Got my hands on a laptop so after work tomorrow going to give it a shot fixing my screen/updating my apex to the newest firmware. I think it might be time to at least invest in a tablet. Found the RCA cambrio, runs windows 10, supposed to have fairly decent functions, plus an attachable keyboard for $150. If anyone has used this model please share your experience.