Need some silicone help...


The Maaan
My new tank is NEARLY up.

Its been taking me for-freakin-ever... but I'm seriously so damn close to having it up... lol

Finished polyurethaning the stand today. Only thing that remains to be "created" is the sump --> I just need to put baffles in.

Only problem that I just realized is...

I need aquarium safe silicone to put my baffles in.

I did buy some a while ago... but I can't find it.. plus it was the kind that was in a toothpaste-like tube...and very uncomfortable to work with.

Does anyone have the silicone gun style canister/tube of aquarium safe silicone that they could lend me?

Or at least let me know where I can pick up in LI/Queens?

I may have a tube left stann I ll check tonight def use the aqurium one bro I used the reg and killed all my fish once the other crap has mold resistant stuff in it I ordered mine from marine depot , for some reason I remeber seeing the tubes of fish safe silicone at tropical island aquariums in deer park call and ask them the guys name is mike
Thanks Charlie!

Just called Tropical Island.

Seems that they have it. Hopefully the gf won't have a happen coming with me to get it... (its spend time with the gf day....) lol
Pet's Warehouse sells AGA aquarium silicone in toothpazte sizze tubes, and in caulk gun size tubes. IIRC, the large tubes were just under $10.00 when I bought them last summer.
Thanks Larry.

Hmmm.. gotta see which one is closer to Freeport. Deer Park is a bit of a hike.
Yeah just got around to googling it.

Heard to get on the comp. at work hahaha.

Thanks Vinny.
I don't think pets has the size ur looking for just the tooth paste give long island andy a pm he works there he will know for sure I def know trop islan had them there I seen it and was ****ed I ordered it online was cheaper from the store but like I said hit andy up
Pw didn't have any just called.

Gotta call tropical island back bc their answer was kind of iffy. I Dk if the guy totally understood me.

Charlie if you have I'll come by tonight with the gf to pick up stuff and she wanted to meet your doggy too.