New Acrylic aquarium - I'm back after 30 y.


Left is double level sensor LOW + MAX
Middle is Temperature sensor sond
Right is level sensor for flow signal that came to install in perfect the one of the best ever
sond support I see in my life from Prominent company. (high professional industry level water filtration ect.)
You can spot also on sensors support flowing titanium earthing stick to ground good water in system to avoid
small electrostatic and other equipment release in water... :)


Flow sensor is coming first from the left sond support
Small explanation of Omron 2 modules.

They are out of production but available on ebay hundreds of them.
What they are doing:

With 2 wires you connect 2 of them they share signals Input and Output. Distance 100 m - 500 m as well. :)
No need of many wires cable channels ect ect... 2 wires between them. if power is on 1 side long distance is max. 100m.
Example: On INPUTS A0-A7 you connect signals from level sensors using common - minus or in some sensors
as well + power. A0= level sensor water Min. A1= level sensor water Max. ect ect
as sensors have different position some in main aquarium, some on sump ect. cable distance is not allways
enough and i personaly hate to prolong them. Here we connect all of them and with 2 wires signal goes to
anoter same modul near power control unit that give signals from second module from B0-B7 to relays or even
directly to equipment depend of what we want to logicaly control or connect together with certain signal from unit 1
that giving signals. Output part can go bidirectional giving back to A signal from B for example when flow pump is not giving signal
to activate another pump in reserve...As this unit work on very low voltage as well its reliable when power is OFF some PNP signal
will be ON for main circulating pump relay to avoid long hours that water is still. Simple connection to avoid
any fail of any Logo, equipment or power pump will still working on battery backup + Im add also solar inverter
seaprate power backup with one good solar panel no more and solar small controller to avoid any longer disruption
of power failure. Dont relly on 1 power and loose all your fish and have jungle swamp in few hours. :)
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How are you guys in US? We have 40 C sun hot days.
ONe question as Im planing to start production of RO water from RO unit will ask you
about function of this system as seams that i dont have any possible connection to stop
it when i want and how this will act to RO membrane if is closed valve on exit pure water
as I plan to produce enough water to first wash all sand before place it in aquarium?
system have pressure pump and this im interested system have computer to control and
flush ect but to not create something wrong your experience in this units will come usefull.
THe last RO that i worked on its for 70.000 Liter / hour for industry LOL :)

Process I know but how is working on this unit need your experience on smaller RO you use.
There is no tank for but will lead to 80 liters one...will install some level sensors of course...

This i purchased last year. Lets check manual as well.
Aqua Medic Osmosis System Platinum Line Plus 24V


  • RO manual.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 3
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Have fully automatic backflushing on start and during operation.
Control unit display have indicators;
  • TDS Total dissolved solids
  • FULL Not applicable since the unit is supplied without storage tank
  • WORK in operation
  • POWER Power is ON
  • SOURCE Water is connected
  • FLUSH Back flush ON
On FULL im wondering to conect if possible some storage tank level sensor
or will be good to stop complete unit with power 24 Volts adapter???
Will this create any issue with membrane ???

ITs written 400 liter per day but i will need for flush sand less...
Aquarium is still not ready to fill water and salt in for first mixing inside.
Its also written that first 2 hours water to throw away as contain residues of the disinfectant liquid used for storage module...

If i stop the unit I need allways to close the tap water supply and pull power plug out.
For longer period of 4 weeks I need to take membrane RO out and put it in fridge (keep it humid)
not in plastic bag but open. or fill the unit with adequate dinisfectant liquid.
NO matter is in guaranty will open control box to check this FULL to connect one level sensor to stop working RO
when is full or with simple control unit to stop power to adapter 24 V of unit.
Seams all is very good lets do it...
Sorry, been busy all day and starting the grill for dinner. Please tag me in the morning at US Central Standard time and I’ll be happy to help. I have a bit of experience with RODI and building systems.
Seams that closing exit water pipe to RO unit will stop it...see this video
Im asking as I never used this RO and if pump will produce pressure and no water out...???
Need to check how is working Griss basics...i know there is 2 electromagnetic valves on system
and lets see what they are doing or is there only for auytomatic flushing as this unit do this automatic. Thanks.
Hi Hong Kong, I'm unable to watch the video. It states that Video is unavailable.

I'm also having a difficult time understanding exactly what you are asking. Are you stating that when your storage tank is full, the system in not shutting down? I don't use (and never have used) an automatic system, mine is manual.

Here's how mine is setup...granted, I built this system myself over the years.
Stage 1 - Micron Filter
Stage 2 - Carbon Block
Stage 3 - Chloramine Cartridge (our water company uses chloramines to sterilize the water)
Stage 4 - Booster Pump
Stage 5 - RO Membrane
Stage 6 - Cation Resin
Stage 7 - Anion Resin
Stage 8 - Mixed Bed
Stage 9 - Float Valve in my Storage Tank
* - NOTE: somewhere in my system is a solenoid valve that will shutoff the booster pump when the float valve closes. I just don't remember where exactly it is and I'm at work so I cannot look at it right now. I'll try to post pictures when I get home tonight.

On my system, when the float valve in the storage tank closes, it triggers back pressure which shuts off the booster pump and shuts the system down.
Yes this i exactly asking and I supose that this system that i purchased is work the same.
Thanks again for help.

I dont know why youtube link not allowing???
Ok i check i will need Shut-off valve to buy no issue 9 Euro.
I really dont know as my RO have also automatic flush out with electromagnetic valves
and dont want to mix tank will be only 80 liters for RO water filling as
soon is full will go first to wash Bali sand...few times...than filling aquarium.

As this is first time i will first wash inside aquarium with RO water walls of acrylic
as static field takes lot of dust and dirt good clean before filling salt and
water as if is first time its allowed to mix this inside the tank.

Installing an Auto Shut Off Valve
Yes i need to ask producer did i need to add something as shut-off valve its 9 euro here in near shop
i stay today...or i cant as have some computer lets see how is working on first ON.
I think if i close water exit will stop pressure pump. Will inform and check video.