New Eel

I like Triggers

New member
hey guys just wanted to show you an eel i got about a month ago, its doing really well and eats anything i give it, and it loves to eat off the stick. i feed it squid, shrimp, octo, muscles, and cockels. its a gymnothorax fimbriatus. anyone else have one? when my friend picked it up at the wholesaler, he said it was the only one of its species there so he got it for me. pictures are not the best quality, but they arnt bad, they were taken with a motorola V3 razr cell phone.


I have one, has eaten all small tankmates but is a really cool eel. There are neat, seems to me that they are out more than other eels, at least more than my goldentail.
A very nice moray, goes under the name of Golden Head moray. Very active and aggressive eel and will eat just about anything. So you need to be careful with tank mates as it will take them down. Get a long mouth and has a great off white colored body with the dark spots.

I had one for quite some time and placed in a FuManCu Lion and it tried to eat it and both ended up dieing.
Cool thanks guys, well i am keeping it in QT with my undulated trigger until their tank is done cycling... how big do these get? will it be a threat to my undulated trigger?
It will probably get to around 3'. Shouldn't be a problem with the Undulated but problems can happen during feeding as some eels are very aggressive and will grab at anything in the tank, that's why it's good to use a feeding stick and get them use to feeding that way,.
Great looking firmbriated eel. These eel are the psycho of eels. Any fish in the tank should be considered disposable because it could just end up a midnight snack
yes with that eel before long it will probably become a species tank they are way agressive. i have one and i like him alot but he has ate 3 fish that i didnt think he could eat and took a bite out of my gold stripe maroon.