New filtration help


New member
I have a friend who needs some help. He is setting up a tank that has the return and drain drilled just a few inches from the bottom of the aquarium. If he did a wet/dry (fish only tank) or some kind of sump he would put a check valve on to take care of back syphon from the return. However, if the power went out it would continue to drain down until the tank was almost empty. Is there any other option for filtration? He doesn't want to put a pipe up the tank from the drain because of asthetics.

Any help would be appreciated.

If there is a check valve in the retrun line to stop back siphon, how would the tank continue to drain? The check valve would stay closed, I wouldalso drill a small hole in the return about a inch below the water line. This will stop the tank from draining.
You will need a durso stand pipe or at least a stand pipe so it won't drain all the way maybe 2 or 3 inches of water of the top of the tank
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. He was wanting to avoid putting a pipe in it but I think that's the only option other than an Ocean Clear canister filter.
if you have a check valve the water can only go one way, the tank will not back into the sump
It will because the DRAIN is just above the gravel line. Therefore, when power goes out it will continue to drain from the DRAIN until it is below the DRAIN line. I know the RETURN will not continue to drain because fo the check valve. My concern is the drain line. There is no overflow box, just a hole with a strainer just above the gravel line.