New fish ideas


New member
So my QT tank crashed while my DT was Fallow. Ouch. So I'm back to square one when it comes to fish. I am looking for some recommendations and if anyone is trying to get rid of anything for cheap or free let me know. I have a two island setup with Anemones on one island and corals on the other (mostly LPS and softies and just getting into some SPS). The tank is 75 gallons with an oversized skimmer and a canister filter. Any recommendations as to what would be a cool stocking list is welcome.

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Love my starry blenny. There are a ton of options out there. Just be sure to do some solid research before committing. Fish make for terrible impulse buys. How's the bta doing?
Smaller the fish, smaller the bio load and maintenance.

I have enjoyed fairy wrasse.

Many types to choose from.
I've found that if it's not a regular in everybody else's tanks, there's probably a reason. I keep it simple, other than my powder blue tang. Like Bobby said there are a lot of good fairy wrasses. I like my springer damsel, clown gobies, and purple firefish. Maybe a hawk fish of some kind would fit the bill.
Love my starry blenny. There are a ton of options out there. Just be sure to do some solid research before committing. Fish make for terrible impulse buys. How's the bta doing?
It's going great. Finally settled down in a place it likes.

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