New Fuge


New member
Measures 30x14x16

New ASM G1x

Everything Fits

Inside the stand:

Light for the fuge:

And finally, Up and runnin:

If anyone is interested I now have a 125 wet/dry for $50
a 4x65w pc fixture(probably needs new bulbs) for $45

If interested shoot me an email and I'll bring it with me.


What kind of Fuge is that...looks totally kick butt.
I am trying to build one out of a 10g AGA to put under my 29g - but not having much luck - the silicone can be a real biotch to work with. I didn't want to spend 3 hundy for a fuge, but it looks like I might have to - not sure.

That refugium sure looks sweet...
Thanks!! Not sure who the maker is... Petware house ordered it for me. It is the same one Ben uses under his tanks on the left. They are nice, I just wish the fuge area was a little bigger.

When I upgraded tanks, I didn't mind spending a little cash, knowing it was stuff I would be buying ONCE.

If your interested..... I have a wet dry for a 125 I would get rid of for $50. It would be plenty big for your 29, might be easy to enough to put baffles in or whatever you had in mind..

How long is it? Is it a ProClear? They are nice and reliable as well...I might be up for it!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11958071#post11958071 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fuzz1974
It is a proclear.

Dimensions: 19.5 long
9.5 wide
16 tall

Hey Fuzz,

I think I already have that model...

Mine is a ProClear, with about the exact same dims.
I went overkill when I bought mine for the 29g cause I thought it would help the main tank with stabilization etc.

Many thanks for the offer though...$50 is a heck of a great deal - somebody couldn't even make it for that, plus I believe they have a lifetime just can't beat them when it comes to Wet/Dry filters. I really like mine - a lot.

I am trying to move to more of a Wet/Dry with Fuge area. If it had an area for a fuge, I would be set...

If I had $50 in extra cheese laying around, I would still buy it because that's such a good deal, great for a QT tank - which sorrowfully I don't have - I don't know where I would put the QT tank.

Anyone else out there reading this - buy it, if it is in decent shape you can't beat the price!

Thanks again Fuzz...I truly appreciate it!

Yea no problem buddy, not here to make money...If I have something someone needs, I have no problem hookin em up.

Obviously things cost money to buy new, but if I have it laying around, I'll let it go for a good price.

As far as it being in great shape, yea it looks good...cept for just normal wear and tear!!! thanks for the bump, man
