Yay, even better the alkalinity levels are increasing. That's fantastic Seapug.
As you know, there's no hurry about pictures.
I'm absolutely aware that you work and have a family to attend to. I know what that means myself.
Knowing some pics of your candies are coming in the near future is enough *is all quiver-y*.
Sometimes I post on this thread for info on something, or something i'm confused about or wish to learn.
Sometimes I post here to help show others what a successful tank is like and what patience can do for a person.
Sometimes I post here to bump so people might ask you questions about your tank, as I think this helps everyone.
Sometimes I post here to ask about one of your tank's inhabitants because I just love them.
And then sometimes I post in here, as Flyyyguy said about he and I earlier; because you and I have an unsaid agreement for random posting in one another's posts and/or threads.
Anyway, that's all for now, talk to you when you can.