New tank pictures 90 days after set up

Dog boy Dave

New member
test posting . Just got Photo Bucket ...trying to post images
Looks like it worked. My new 325 acrilyc 60 inches by 48 deep and 26 from top to bottom.
Added water and old sand to sump March 7th. Moved all corals in March 23rd. Here it is today.

I have 19 fish. Lotsa flow with two closed loops. 5 400 watt halides over main display.




Great tank. I like that you don't have it stuffed with live rock. I like the same look in all my tanks.
Thank You Ricunder. I agree about being careful with the rock. I had a 180 conventional tank and I went with the cube type so I wouldnt be forced into the ledge mode. This looks a lot more natural to me and in a year or so when the corals grow up into the open space I think it will look very reef like.
Thank You Jason,
I have had that stag for at least 6 years. It was given to me by a friend from New haven Florida. It came originally from Dave at 2 many fishes on the west coast. It never did anything for my friend in his tanks. After he gave it to me it grew light blue and kind of curly. The tank back then was very low nutrient and the colony was lower in the tank in medium current. . It took several years before I found the right spot for it. I didn't even know it was a stag till I placed it up close to the light and in very high current. After that, it took off. It is now one of my favorite pieces. Its pretty big. The tank is 5 feet wide.
your tanklooks great .......what is your PO4 at? I seee lots of bubble Algea just like my tank :) I have been having probl;lems with the Po4 and started adding GFO and its starting to die.
TBP No bubble algae. It is briopsys. It can however be controlled with nutrient reduction. I have had a bloom do to intentional overfeeding and due to the tank move. When I moved the animals into their new digs I had to overfeed for a couple of months as I added a several fish and they needed to be fleshed out a bit to hang with my big dogs. That is done now and it will take me a couple of months to get it back under control. Extra water changes and run the skimmer wet provided with lighter feeding will knock it out in 90 days or so. As long as I don't let it grow over any frags or spread it to anyone else, no harm done in this tank. I don't use any chemical filtration right now. May try some carbon but right now just playing withthe feeding to see if I can feed this many fish lightly enough to drive the nutrients down low enough to eliminate it that way. I have done so in the past in other system and this one also seems to be responding.
The tank is a custom made acrylic, purchased from a gentleman in Ocalla Florida. The tank is 59.5 inches wide 48 inches front to back and 26 inches deep. It sits inside a 60 inch door between our living room and dining room. It is viewable from both sides. The overflow box is external and sits in the left rear corner. I had it made large so I can get down inside it, (8X18) . I have 10each 1.5 inch holes drilled in the tank below the water line. All plumbing is external and there are no pumps in the tank. There are 4 holes in the bottom of the tank. Each of these has a 90 degree fitting and an eductor which blows water out under the rocks. The rocks are stacked to minimize dead spots. In the side walls near the top are 4 more holes for 4 more eductors. There are also two holes in the left side of theank, near the bottom that I have screens over use as intackes for the two closed loops. The two on the right up high are intake and output for my chiller which is outside on the screened in porch. This gives me the effect of a third closed loop. The two on the left are hooked up to the closed loops. I have two sumps under the tank. The first is about 36X18 (50 gallons) and functions mostly as a settling tank. Water enters this and slowly flows through it and into a second sump which is a converted 75 gallon glass tank. I have this second sump split into a very deep sand bed and an overflow to the water take out section from there it goes through an external pump and back to the tank. I run an MRC dual becket skimmer and an MRC dual chamber Ca reactor. The reactor is already overwhelm and I plan on adding another soon. Lighting on top is 5 400 watt halides driven by magnetic ballast. I run a radium 20 K on an 129 pulse start magnetic in the middle and 4 14 K (10K ) aqualines . On the DSB sump I run a single 250 watt 20 K radium on an icecap electronic ballast. I have two very large carpets in my sand bed in the second sump. If you like I can post images of the hardware later today?
Most of the corals are from my previous tanks and some of them I have had for over 7 years. Most were started from frags or very small colonies. A few are wild colony frags or rescues from wild colonys that were not thriving in other systems. I seldom purchase large colonies as I like the way frags grow to the system. The oldest animals are some zoanthids and rodactus that I have had since 91 or 92. One of my anenomes has been in my tanks since 1995.
Thak you all for looking and the kind comments. The tank looks pretty rough to me still as I do need to get the algea under control but i think that it has potential. The corals and fish are thriving. THe parameters are stable and alaklinity demand is rising fast. I tried to address a lot of the problems that I had before with my 180 and I am happy so far with the way the efforts are turning out.
Happy reefing

The tank looks great! I still owe you a bunch of frags from the winter. My tank has been having problems, but I've finally had the time to fix the problems since I've been home for the summer. Hopefully by the end of the summer, before I come back up, I'll have some nice frags for you to make up for the lost time. I didn't forget your generosity!

No Problem at all Eric. I know how the tank are with their ups and downs. I figured after r the last time we spoke the cycle was on a "down" . I still have the Montipora you gave me and it is thriving. Very slow grower but finally starting to color up. They have all been tortured pretty good since you came by last time . Since Jan. we have been through red bugs and finally the tank move in March. You will love the new tank. Pictures don't do it justice. The size and depth are mesmerizing...To my wives frustration....I do spend way too much time sitting and staring...between putting my hands into it and feeding fish (hence the algae) . Glad to hear your tank is turning around. Will see you in the fall.
Updated tank pictures

Updated tank pictures

Here is an updated tank shot
the tank is now ten months old. I have the algae under control. I still occasionally see some tip bleaching. Not sure why.

Emperator has changed color

Emperator has changed color

Here is a good shot of the emperator that was pictured earlier in the thread. As you can see she has changed a lot in 6 months.
She is in her favorite place.

Her is a good shot of the Majestic Angel. She used to be larger than the emperator. As you can see she hasn't fully accepted her secondary position and she likes to sit into the special place under the stag occasionally. This is the scene of some epic fin flashing.

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