**New Tank***


New member
Here is my first pico tank. I saw a thread by ynnhoj86 with a 5 gallon tank and I loved it. I had started a thread on acclimating a green spotted puffer and now that its done and the 40 gallon he was going in hasn't been set up yet, I added him to this tank.

The tank has been running for a few days now and all parameters look good along with the puffer. Here are some pics.

It is a 2.5gallon. I'm using a HOB filter filled with liver rock rubble. For lighting it is just a 10watt fluorescent. Since the puffer isn't really reef safe its only a FOWLR tank for now.

I'm not sure if the puffer is going to stay in there. Any ideas what kind of fish I may be able to keep in there, if any?

Let me know what ya'll think. :bigeyes:


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Wow that looks pretty cool I might even try to do the same. Is that puffer the ones you can buy at Walmart?
Wow that looks pretty cool I might even try to do the same. Is that puffer the ones you can buy at Walmart?

It is. When I got him my wife an I felt bad because he was the only one alive in the tiny tank. There were like 10 dead fish.

He might not stay in there because think it's kinda small for him.
A little rainford goby would be cool in there

I really like the rainford idea. :thumbsup:

ryan_paskadi I read people keeping those puffers with damsels. Perhaps something semi aggresive like a sgt major.

Might try a yellowtail damsel for now.

If the puffer goes. I think one or two baby perculas may be alright. I think I may be pushing it a bit tho. Don't want to overload the biofilter.
:lmao: and then you go and put him in a 2.5 and he is still alone!

i like the little tank looks good!

Lol. It wasn't so much that he was alone in a tiny tank. It was more that he was the only one alive. The dead ones looked like they had been dead for a while. I can only imagine how high the ammonia was in that little tank.
I just noticed this growth on the one of my rocks.

I can't really tell what it is. I'm just hoping its not aiptasia and I doubt they are feather dusters. Maybe so kind of fungus?

Anyone know what it is? Good? Bad?


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I have another question. I was going to keep this tank as a FOWLR tank, but after seeing a whole bunch of reef picos now I want a reef one. The puffer will be moving.

I put a 26w 6700K spiral bulb in the small canopy I am using. It is supposedly equivalent to 100 watts. It actually is super bright and not yellowish.

Can I keep any type of corals with this light?
You will likely have troubles with SPS. Not just with the light, but their susceptibility to alk/ca, temp and salinity swings that are common in pico tanks. I would recommend staying with softies. You can also try some LPS, but some softies (for get which ones) are known to release toxins that affect LPS growth (if you mix). Doesn't mean it can't be done though :)
All of the pico's that i have seen have either clowns or dartfish. I would recommend against going with gobies for the fact that they need live food which pico's are notorious for not being able support pods.

I agree with Gomer, you might be better served with softies such as leathers, zoas, paly's, or duncans with that light. LPS and SPS require a higher light source as you are aware. If you put this high of a light source, 10k and above, there will be massive swings on the parameters to the pico through the loss of evap.


Here are some updated pics and a vid of my little tank. I ended up rearranging the rock work.

I am still battling the cyano with water changes. I cut the tube on the filter and the flow increased. Overnight the cyano on the front right had corner had almost disappeared. I still have some on the left side and back side. Ugh!

The toadstool doesn't look so good but still feels firm to touch plus the polyps open up just fine under the light. Hopefully it's just adapting.

The zoas have opened up nicely and the xenia seems to have stretched out and getting bigger.

Let me know what ya'll think. :lol2:


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