New to Pics


New member
Guys i am Real New to the hobbie and photography of tanks
any critisim or advice would help.
Fuji FinePix S3100 4 mega pixel No flash



Blue hippo Tang


Some corals i Found on the Live rock I Purchaced for $24.00
Ident Please !
Your first shot has some glass distortion or is just a little out of focus. Be sure you are parallel to the glass when shooting pictures. A tip, focus on the eye. Since the eye is usually the subject that draws your eye, if it is in focus the rest of the picture will appear better even if its a little soft.

The second one has motion blur. This is common, especially for tangs that move alot. Dispite the bright look of an aquarium it is actually pretty dim to a digital camera. You need to have a fast shutter speed.

All three need some post processing to remove the white haziness and improve colors. Here's a quick idea of what I mean.


Thanks mike What program and what did you do to sharpen the image..

I have photoshop CS

That tang is a real piece of work and is real hard to snap a shot of .

Im not shure what the shutter spered is on my camera, is there a way to find out and change it .

on the macro of the lionfish my glass was finger fuged, the product of having a 2 and 4 year old
Can't help you much with your photos, but your Pacific Blue tang (paracanthuras hepatus) has the beginnings of H.L.L.E. He/She needs a high quality algae/seaweed based food, and lots of it.

Your second round of pics shows HUGE improvement!! As was mentioned above, get to know your camera and all it's settings. I'd suggest using Manual mode most of the time. This will usually give you the ability to adjust aperture and shutter speed settings. Aperture Priority is another good setting to learn. A larger Fstop number will give you a wider DOF (Depth of Field) making more of the image appear focused. However, this will also require a faster shutter speed to make up for the loss of light from the larger Fstop number.
Again, make sure you're square with your tank glass to avoid distortions. Take pics at night will all lights out except tank lights. Use of a tripod will help a lot as well.