New vid of my old reef..with the LEDs


Premium Member
I havn't been on this forum in a long while, and since I took a new vid of my reef this week I thought I would post it here as an update. I just past the six month mark with the new AI LEDs and I am still very happy with them. I have moved a lot of old corals out and changed things around. Many more sps now than before with lots of new frags. I definately like the look.
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Man, I remember that sun room from your previous thread; a gorgeous tank in a gorgeous setting. Good to know that everything is still going so well for you.

Thx for the update,

This is one of my all-time favourites. The tank looks fantastic and the setting is superb.

Thanks for the update.
Thanks everyone. My laptop died a few weeks ago and I got a Xoom tablet to replace it. It takes really nice video. I enjoy taking the video more than photos. Probably because I'm a lousy photographer.
I know there is a lot of debate about how well LEDs can grow sps. I thought this vid might help some people out if they were on the fence thinking about trying them.
It is a s. gigantea carpet anemone. I have had it a long time as it was a resident in my previous tank. About 8 or 9 years I think.
The tank and the room are truly awesome RK2. The video definitely shows how well your corals are doing under LEDs. "Honey, remember those lights I wanted to get..." :love2:
There is no doubt the lights improved the look of the whole room. One of my original goals was to have a sleek finished look. I don't think I had accomplished that with all the different fixtures I had hanging up there previously. At the time there just wasn't an alternative. Now the whole setup looks much more like what I had in mind. My ideal of an awesome reef tank involves the entire package, not just what you see inside the tank. This includes the stand, hood and overall presentation. Even though my electric bill dropped substantially, and all the problems with an overheated room have dissapeared , I can say I would spend the money again to buy the lights just for the look alone.
That is amazing! The tank looks very healthy! How many AI's? 10? Are they the sol blues?
There are 12 Sol Blue units. Because of the center overflow I chose to mount them horizontally. I originally had 10 units, but there was a dark spot right at the top on both the left and right side of the tank. So as soon as I could afford it I bought 2 more.
What kind of triggers are those, and do you have any nipping problems? I would love to have a Trigger but hear so many negative things. Also those Chromis with the pink square on their sides what are they called? I saw them from an online provider one time and cannot remember where. I would like to get a small school of them for my new 150 MR.
The trigger fish are a pair of Blue Throats. They are my favorite fish! There arn't any nipping problems and they are planktivores so are considered reef safe. Always remember that fish can behave differently in a smaller tank and there are no guarantees. You could buy a grumpy fish that likes to nip it's tankmates. Right now I have a beautiful hawian Angelfish down in the basement because she started nipping my clams siphon. I don't know what I'm going to do with her yet.
The fish with the pink square is an anthias. He is a beauty and I need to get some females for him.
The trigger fish are a pair of Blue Throats. They are my favorite fish! There arn't any nipping problems and they are planktivores so are considered reef safe. Always remember that fish can behave differently in a smaller tank and there are no guarantees. You could buy a grumpy fish that likes to nip it's tankmates. Right now I have a beautiful hawian Angelfish down in the basement because she started nipping my clams siphon. I don't know what I'm going to do with her yet.

Yes that is what I am told from everyone about triggers, its just a guessing game on whether or not they will be good citizens.

The fish with the pink square is an anthias. He is a beauty and I need to get some females for him.

Oh, ok. For some reason I was thinking it was a form of chromis I had seen, but obviously I was wrong. They are gorgeous fish, I think I will try and find a trio for my tank.
I remember seeing your tank when it was TOTM (or maybe just the build) when I first started reef keeping. It has been and remains to be quite an inspiration.

I am amazed at how many of the light units you had to get though. 12!!!! That's over $6,000 worth of lighting. My tank is 60"Long x 30"Tall x and 24"Deep. I was thinking I would only need I wrong? How many do you think I would need. I have a mixed reef tank like yours (though not as nice).