Ok...let's see what kind of update I can give here...there were a lot of comments to address.. We'll start at the top...
embryoguy....Thanks for the sarcasm, it's really helpful at this point. Volunteers are up to you folks..and it has nothing to do with NPO status, as for donating equipment, there is something that I've been holding back on posting but I really need to say it so here it goes....
The issue with giving Reefnest money/equipment:
Bottom line...<i>Reefnest is not a legitimate organization!</i>....now....put the stones down..let me explain.... Reefnest exists because Mo says it exists; he invented it, he runs it, he IS it. Mo can correct me if I'm wrong but I do not believe the club has been registered with any official agency or given a legit fictitious name. That means that in the eyes of the government, the eyes of the law, and the eyes of general society Reefnest is no different than anybody going to a school or schools and starting a "star trek club" or "homework club" and holding bake sales to raise money. Now obviously what Mo is doing is FAR more valuable than most "clubs" I'm just using those examples so that you understand what it means to give Reefnest $1000...it means it's really being given to "Mo". If Reefnest closed up shop tomorrow, all the equipment and materials would still officially belong to Mo. He would no doubt give it away, but that's not the point..the point is that legally HE owns it, it is HIS income.
As a legit organization (NPO or otherwise) we need to keep track of who actually benefits in the eyes of the IRS. It's part of NCPARS bylaws that no one person can financially benefit from the organization. I don't have the official bylaws on hand..I only have one of the drafts, but here's the section:
Income ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ Whenever the lawful activities of the Corporation involve among other things, the charging of fees or prices for its services or products, the Corporation shall have the right to receive such income and, in so doing, may make a profit. All such profits be applied to the maintenance and operation of the lawful activities of the Corporation, and in no case shall be divided or distributed in any manner whatsoever among the Directors, officers of the Corporation, or its members.
Look at it this way...what if another NCPARS member says "hey..I have an extra tank lying around, I'm going to start a club at my kid's school...I'll get NCPARS to give me the rest of the equipment."...then the idea falls through and he walks away with equipment. I would think our members would get quite ****ed about that not to mention the BOD can get in trouble because that person now "profited". And before somebody says it..that is different from winning something in a raffle. Me personally...I trust Mo is doing the right thing...The IRS is not so trusting...And quite frankly..it's my signature on the checks so who do you think they talk to first about missing money and misused funds?
NCPARS isn't any one person..it's a collection of people run by a Board of Directors. If NCPARS falls apart tomorrow it'd be the Board's responsibility to give the leftover equipment and money to somebody else who will not profit from it either.
I hope all this makes sense...I'm not trying to belittle what Mo is doing in ANY way so if you think that I am...read it again. I'm leaving some details out out of respect for Mo...so I've said about all I can. I hope you folks understand it. Helping "Reefnest" can be a little more complicated than you think.
Now stuff like the Calfo event that Jon organized buying tickets for....we are providing education to our members and nobody in NCPARS will financially profit from it. We even agreed that we wouldn't take any of the tickets so nobody complained...I would have loved to get my hands on one..but I want to be "fair." Jon bought his own.
Having said all that...we are currently trying to decide if NCPARS can "sponsor" Zooqi's upcoming event instead of holding our own spring event and wind up being in competition with people not wanting to drive to 2 places. Instead of giving Mo money..we'd be covering expenses for the club's event....there is a difference, I hope you can see that. Conversations are being passed around between the BOD and Mo about setting this up and seeing if it's doable.
As for splitting the club...it sounds reasonable, but really if you want a small group, you should look for the smaller local clubs. That wasn't really the goal here with NCPARS...we are different from your local clubs by trying to meet a few times a year as a large conglomerate.
Oddly enough...the concept of splitting the club is a different way of wording what the board considered a while back: Create small clubs, and incorporate them into NCPARS as "members" or "chapters" and invite existing clubs as well. So what happened with that? I got a sh*tstorm of complaints that NCPARS was trying to control and take over all the clubs in PA.....You know who you are....Thanks for the heartache. So now you folks are asking to do the same thing...just rewording it differently.
Sounds good to me...but I've been down that path before...no thanks.
The idea of doing 2 or 3 swaps but still asking for dues was to help support the events and speakers. We started out with free speakers or with people who didn't charge us much. And once we had money saved up to pay for speakers everybody started complaining about why we have money in the bank. Sigh. That is where it is right now..in a bank account under the organization's name. It requires two signatures to remove money so I know it's not going anywhere.
As for the "Mob" mentality....That's certainly not what we're trying to do. It's no different from any "board" really. We do want to get more people involved, but right now, the folks that stepped forward to volunteer 2 years ago are the ones who make the decisions. That will change July 1st if more people get involved. Just make sure that if you DO want to be involved that you make an effort to make our internet meetings so that we can officially vote on things. At the last meeting we didn't have enough to make any official decisions, but we got the ball rolling on looking into local schools to host the event. That's not going to happen in time so we're back to either PSU, Leesport or now...joining Mo's club event. We didn't discuss much more than that to my knowledge (I'd have to read the logs).
The bottom line is..if you want to know something..just ask. But I know I feel like I'm talking to a wall most of the time when I start threads asking for NCPARS participation and I get NO responses. Since I know folks are reading this...I'll post it.
As the president it's my responsibility to be the figure-head of what is happening. If you have questions..just ask me...PM, email, thread, whatever. But I do ask that you please ASK me, and not wait until you're p*ssed off and then B*TCH at me. That happens more often than I'd like, but it's usually from a few key people.....but it's enough that I'm really not sure if I'll run again. It's not as easy as you folks think...it's impossible to get everybody to understand what's happening let alone agree. If you don't trust me, then I don't want to be a part of it.
As for the positions....I don't have the official bylaws at my disposal (I'm at work), but I believe this is it:
1. President
2. Vice-President
3. Vice-President of Public Affairs
4. Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. No more than ten Directors elected at large from the Society membership
1 through 5 will be elected officials, #6 are the additional people that will sit on the board (and vote) but not be an "officer". We need to keep an odd number total...the president has no vote on issues, except to break a tie. When the dates are set we'll try to explain more....I'll also look into getting the bi-laws on our website since it's in our bi-laws that we do that!..then you can just read for yourself.
I hope I covered everybody's questions..if I didn't...please let me know. These last few days have been very stressful for me...I'm reading things that just make me straight out upset. Internet based organizations are not easy to run... All I expected to get out of being president is the satisfaction that I'm helping people with their reefs (education)....all I've gotten out of it is stress and mean-spirited people telling me I have hidden agendas and that I'm trying to control everything. SIGH....yeah..that's it. All hail King Fizz...now go paint my house. Jeez.