Night mode/ reduced flow, good idea?

:bounce3::bounce3:I have gone night diving in Hawaii with a steady current of 3 knots. That's a lot of water being pushed through at night. I do notice though, that when I go night mode, I have more algae growth in the tank than when I go full flow 27/7.
I've noticed that if I use night mode then in the morning when the pumps ramp up they kick up a bunch of particulates. This leads me to believe that detritus is settling out at night on night mode, and I'm not too keen on that. I see no change in nighttime PE on night mode or full blast. Honestly, I don't think it really matters if we use night mode or not, regardless of what happens in the world's reefs.
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:bounce3::bounce3:I have gone night diving in Hawaii with a steady current of 3 knots. That's a lot of water being pushed through at night. I do notice though, that when I go night mode, I have more algae growth in the tank than when I go full flow 27/7.

Nice post on a 4 year old thread. It's a pretty peeve of mine sorry.
4 years.... Is that all?

4 years.... Is that all?

After getting new powerheads and controllers i Just did a Google on reduced flow in the reef at night and came across this thread.

After reading, I will be joining the full blast 24/7 crew as well. Going to kill night mode now.