Niji No Niwa - The Rainbow Garden


Premium Member
Hey RC, been a while since I've posted, and a while since I've had a proper reef. I got an itch, and decided to divert some (read all) of my extra $ to a setup I've wanted for a long time. This will be my build thread for this project.

It will be a 48x36 (37.5")x20h Rimless Reef, with a shallow large grained sandbed, large Chaeto refugium, large skimmer, and halides. Not much more than this. I'm keeping it simple this go-round, and likely wont even use an Apex controller. Redundancy will be built into the system.

Here is my current vision. I am still learning sketchup, and will post as I make progress and updates to the design. I know exactly what it looks like in my brain, but translating it into CAD has taken a little time. Let me know your thoughts and questions.

Sent email out today for quote for display and sump. I have the drawings completed with dimensions. Once I have the quote I will do a final review and place the order.

Just ordered this....looks like I got the last one!


For a return pump, I have decided to go with 2 x Sicce Syncra Pro's (800gph each). I could have gone with a single model @ 1900 gph, but the second one is for redundancy. I will add the same redundancy for the skimmer. I will run a second smaller one in conjunction with the vertex.
I like the proportions a lot.
Lots of ways to put an amazing layout in it.
I think you're in the right path.

Yes, there definitely is. I already have 4 pieces of live rock that I will use for the "minimalist" aquascape. Thank you for the kind words, and I hope to get some pointers along the way with someone with such a beautiful tank and amazing corals!
Ordered some bulkheads and plumbing fittings from BRS and Premium Aquatics. Once I verify that the bulkheads and plumbing will fit in the overflow I have planned I will formally place the order for the display. Vendor says 3 week lead time before being ready to ship. Exciting!

Below are some pics of 2 of the 4 rocks that I will be using for my aquascape. I will be cycling all of it with live rock and sand directly John Coppolino (Copps). The pieces don't look big in the pic, but they both weigh about 30lb each and are pretty huge. Things should be ready to go by the time the display and sump get here!



Stand Construction

Stand Construction

Here are the plans:

1. Plywood is 3/4"
2. Small beams are 2x4"
3. Large beams are 4x6"
4. The stand will be completely open - no doors. All electrical equipment/external pumps will be placed in the recess on the right side of the stand.




That looks a lot like a bamboo stand I made for a buddy, pics are not the best quality but you'll get it


Short video of how the doors lined up so perfectly
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
That looks a lot like a bamboo stand I made for a buddy, pics are not the best quality but you'll get it

The stand looks really good, and your right - take the doors off, and it's pretty much the stand that I've designed. Other than the fact that the stand I am building is going to be massive. It will be 6ft x 4ft x 40in tall.

I will also incorporate plumbing into the stand itself which I think will add a new and interesting dynamic (albeit an inefficient one :) ).