No place to plug photo cell on 7094


New member
I just got the t24 in tonight (two 6100 stream and a 7094 controler) the multicontoler does not have anyplace to plug in the photo cell.....what is up.....Terry.
It should be a PS2 like port on the bottom of the unit next to where the pumps plug in. Is the photocell equipped with a PS2 type plug or is it one with the old mini phono plug? I suppose it is also possible the hole for the plug is missing in the housing?
The photocell has the ps2 type plug but there is no hole on the has it labled next to the other plugs but no hole to plug it into...
When I get back to the states i'll get you an exchange. It just doesnt have the hole in the housing.
I took a dremil tool and cut a hole....but to be honest I expected better quality control when I spend $785 for this system. I hope this is not a sign for the future.
I finally got a chance to mount the 6100's this morning and also found one of the holes drilled in the mount was missdrilled so ended up glueing the mounting bracket since the plastic screw would not tighten was not drilled in the center of the hole and at about a 45deg angle....will see if the pumps run after the glue dries.....I am really begining to wonder about the quality control....
I can replace the small mounting part no problem. For the housing, such a mistake is possible because all tests on the board occur before assembly. When things are hand made their is far more room for error and the only checks are on electronics and unfortunately it does happen that plastic pieces don't get threaded etc, but this was the first multicontroller without a hole in 4 years of production and I could send you a new housing if you like or install yours in a new housing for you since it can be difficult.