No polyp extension


Premium Member
What causes there to be little to no polyp extension? 99% of my SPS don't show polyp extension. I do some phosphate issue. But is fairly well controlled with a phosban reactor. Any other reasons?
Powder Blue Tang
Yellow tang
hippo tang
7 chromis
2 false percs
1 lawn mower blenny
1 mandarin
1 yellow clown goby
1 coral beauty
1 flame angel
To every piece? I got several new frags in. They had good polyp extension for a while then slwoly went away. I do the yellow clown perching on some of the pieces but not all of them. I have never seen the flame touch any of the SPS.
I haven't tested them in a while. But when I did they were not 0 but very low. I forget the exact number.
What do you use to check salinity? I had little polyp extension until I spent the money on a Refractometer. Found out my salinity was to high using a hydrometer. Just an idea.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6231696#post6231696 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Don Berry
What do you use to check salinity? I had little polyp extension until I spent the money on a Refractometer. Found out my salinity was to high using a hydrometer. Just an idea.

I only use a refractometer. :) Thanks though.
I removed my yellow clown goby from my old stonies tank because it caused polyp retraction. Within a week of removing it, polyps were extended again.

In my new stonies tank, I have an african flameback pygmy angel, it nips enough to cause polyp retraction. I will move him to my softies tank once I catch him.

In short, fish can cause polyp retraction (I am sure it can be caused by other things, but in my case was due to fish).
Hmmm, I just don't see the goby or flame angel causing this. I could be wrong though. I'll keep an even closer eye on them.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6232267#post6232267 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robs fish
Any red bugs.
Not that I've seen. Wouldn't they be fairly obvious?
They are very very hard to see without having a trained eye. I would take out some of your acros and do the turkey baster test on them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6232827#post6232827 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dirtyreefer
They are very very hard to see without having a trained eye. I would take out some of your acros and do the turkey baster test on them.
Turkey baster test?
I've had the same issue for awhile...mine are slowly coming back. I thought it may of been from dosing too much Kalk....maybe throwing off the PH. I have since bought a PH meter and PH seems you dose Kalk/calcium?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6232836#post6232836 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Micki
Turkey baster test?

Take one piece of sps out of tank for a second and BLAST it with tank water with the baster over a white or clear container. If you have bugs, you will start to see them move around in the container.