Berlin with 2-3 inches of sand and lots of real porous pacific live rock - this can keep NO3 at zero quite well. Two skimmers - two good to very-good skimmers will crush an elite skimmer, so get two good ones and bank the extra cash that you could have spent on a 3K skimmer. Ranco with heaters and chiller (just in case - it hardly ever comes on). CaRx with natural media. MH for 10 hours - have had VHO before, but I am all-pendant now and they don't fit (I wish that they did and I am never selling my stash of extra Super Actinics or IceCap 660s). Wavebox and a few flow pumps. Elbow grease for all of the coralline. Patience. Has worked for years and years.
I don't do any organic carbon or any of the purchased systems like zeo, AF, etc. Just water changes. I have had fuge in the past with cheato and dragons breath, but I don't have any now and don't have any extra nutrients. If my phospate gets over 5 on a hannah UL tester, then I might put a cup of GFO on the tank for a few months and that will get me by for a year or so. I will run some GAC when I want to take some photos or people are coming by to polish up the water - I don't run it all the time.
I do start to change out the sand at about 20-25% a year starting on year four. It gets filled with gunk and will stop effectively swapping out P after 6 or 8 years, so I get a head start on it.