Had a couple great friends help me get these tanks up and running again. Thanks to Smoothdog for plumbing them expertly and shoring up a couple of leaks. His help with the engineering of the drains, returns, etc etc was invaluable! I’ll shoot some picks up when I figure out tapatalk or Flickr.
Also, my two friends Mr D Smack and Rams have spent countless days and hours helping me with taking down the old tanks, hauling sumps out, carrying pretty much everything from salt mix to sand to recliners to you name it. They helped keep my fish/corals alive after a difficult back surgery and I’m lucky to have such loyal friends! I wouldn’t be where I’m at today reestablishing these tanks without their help. I’m also a grouchy and particular SOB and they just take it in stride, I owe them huge.
Anyway, the 375 gallon tank is Lake Tanganyika with cyphotilapia gibberosa from Lupota, commonly known as Fronts. I’m raising 27 babies at present and will be adding some other Tanganyikan fish in a few months, then thinning the herd significantly down to 9-12 fish. The purpose of this tank is easy going, low energy, low electricity, low light fish.
The 5ft by 5ft by 30 in tank will be dedicated to SPS, Three Ritteri anemones and some killer shrooms and Yuma from Vietnam. Still trying to visualize what it’ll turn into, but I’m thinking it’ll be pretty bad to the bone. Before, both tanks combined were 1100 gallons and I was mixing too many huge leathers, fish and losing the nutrient battle. I’ve learned a bit running that system from 2008-2017, so I’m hoping to apply some of those hard lessons to this tank for a better end result. I’ll be adding live rock in February from Pukani, and have some very live rock I’ll add to my sump after removing some of the phosphate.
More updates and pictures to come