Nopox question


New member
Hello all, i recently started to use nopox on my 75g tank with a 40g sump to help me with my phosphate and nitrates( mostly phosphates) and it is doing is job very well my sandbed never looked better, idk if it's the nopox doing but it wasn't so clear before. Anyways after about 3 weeks of dosing i've been noticing a white thin layer on my rocks. I'm guessing is bacteria, but i am dosing lower than what i need too. Idk if i should stop or lower the dose so this doesn't become troublesome. Any help is appreciate it.
Are you testing for Nitrates and Phosphates?

It's important to do so when dosing NoPoX with a good quality test kit, e.g. Red Sea Algae Control Pro. You want to drop or stop dosing NoPoX if you have no measurable levels of either. Not only do corals need these nutrients in small amounts, the NoPoX itself can become a source of food for algae when Nitrates and Phosphates bottom out as I found out.

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In general, the white snot is a sign to back off a bit.

But, yes, what are your previous and current readings for Nitrate and Phosphate?
My nitrates are steady at 1 or problem is mostly phosphates, they were at 0.12 before the nopox, it started to lower very good but yesterday i test it(hannah tester) and i was through the roof at 0.21 and idk why cause last week i check and it was going down, it was at 0.08. Can anyone explain why this could have happened?
In general, the white snot is a sign to back off a bit.

But, yes, what are your previous and current readings for Nitrate and Phosphate?[/QUOTE

Lvls before phophate .12 nitrate 2ppm
After about 2 weeks phosphate 0.08 nitrates 1ppm
Last check yesterday phophates .21 nitrates 1ppm