??? no test kit? I would not trust the probe if it is reading that far out of range. I don't believe it for one minute. What is the ORP at?
Is the temp probe reading correctly? The probes are indexed to the temp probe, so either it or the pH probe, or both could be fouled or otherwise giving a false reading. Had you calibrated the probes?
When you see an anomoly like that, you really have to dig deep, use test kits, etc. Check things like if the probe fouled, not plugged in correctly, cycle the controller, etc. Also understand where the tank "should" be at depending on where you are in the light cycle.
Then soak the probe in vinegar, clean with a toothbrush, and rinse well in RO/DI water. THEN calibrate it, and check the reading. Don't start dosing or messing around until you are very sure of the information you are getting.
Probes fail, get fouled, the connectors can corode...any number of things can mess the readings up. I cannot emphasize enough you must have decent quality test kits to verify any probe anomoly. Using the probe to check itself, whether against a known agent or other methiod is not sound science.
And if you remember from the Neptune manual, when you do the calibration routine, it does not matter what the actual reading is, just that it has stabilized, so the controller can adjust its interpretation of the probe input.