This fish has yet to show any aggressive behavior in my tank. I have 2 medium size tangs, a large Lawnmower Blenny and a 3 inch Springers Dottyback, all are doing great.
I have a Coral Bandit shrimp and a few peppermints and all of them are doing great with this fish as well.
This fish is not hard to find, I received an email just this morning regarding them from a friend. A simple request to your LFS will produce this fish sooner than you think.
I am looking to acquire two more of them in just a few days. I will attempt to reproduce the same results as above. I still believe that the Sea Grass is the hunter we have all been waiting for. If I'm 200 % wrong, which I doubt, well, at least we gave it a shot. I only know that he has eaten every single nudi that has been placed before him, and that is promising news I think.
Thanks to all of you for the positive feedback.
Millhouse, all I can say is that I tried. I made it clear that their was a great possibilty that another SG Wrasse might not produce the same results. I also stated that I refuse to believe that I am that lucky to have the only one that will consume nudis. Again I mentioned that it was pure luck that I stumbled upon this and that each of you would play a vital role in purchasing a SG wrasse with hopes of attaining the same results. I wouldn't call it speculation, I would say that it is highly possible that this fish is a predator. That can only be proven by those of use who can find this fish and place them in a tank infested with Nudis. If I stand alone, then I guess I have to, but I still believe.