Nudibranchs No More

marc i totally saw that wrasse but i thought he looked a bit sickly so i didn't buy him. hopefully he does well! let us know! (mars and here!) :D

The wrasse is doing great! We're at 10 days and it is active and eating well. But, the little $%$&^&* is making a sandstorm of the new 300. There is very little rock and it is only doing what comes naturally. If you are looking for one I might be inclined to loan him out until I get the 300 established.

I might even be more inclined to make a trade for him...let me know if you're intrested (or anyone else for that matter).

Mucho, question for ya, do you have any clams in your tank ? if yes did the wrasse bother it ? I have been checking around because I still want to get one of these wrasses but some of the LFS are warning me about this particular wrass have a tendency to damage clams and that is why am hessitating since I have a large tank with lots of prize clams.
Hello Northbay, unfortunately I don't have any clams so I can't honestly comment on that issue one way or the other. I have never heard of this happening but that doesn't mean that it won't. I certainly would not trust the fish with your clams. I guess with this fish, there is a trade off. You would have to weigh the pros and cons of using it to rid your tank of nudis. Is it possible to remove the clams until the wrasse wipes out the nudis? I would really consider it. If you were local, I would let you store them here.

Mikey is doing great, but he has no nudis to eat and I have been trying like crazy to find more nudis to finish testing my other wrasses. My LFS has had two shipments in so far and they are a hot seller.

Please keep us posted on whatever you choose to do.

Good luck my friend.

Mucho thanks, yes am still seriously consider trying out the wrasse, but since I have lots of clams I will have to set up a quaranteen tank and test him with a cheap clam and see what happen.

In the mean time am in the process of trying out interceptor in the quaranteen tank for my Acroporas red bug problem, so the zoos will have to wait couple weeks, for right now my zoos are doing fine and I haven't seen any sign of nudis since using your dip method couple of times.

Will keep you posted.
Asking again...
Has anyone found an online retailer (or anyone willing to ship) one of these wrasses? I have been unable to get one locally.

It sounds like some of these might not be the most reef friendly fish. However if it does pan out then this would be a great fish to put in a prop tank with zoanthids in it. I have a pseudochromis now in my prop tank to keep the pods in control, if other people have the same success then he might get kicked out.
I just submitted the following request for the "sea grass wrasse" at Drs. Foster and Smith. Maybe if a lot of people do the same they will consider stocking this fish. The form I used to submit the request can be found here.

Dear Stubing,

Thank you for your inquiry.

We have forwarded your request to our aquatic management for review. We do appreciate your input.

If we can be of any additional assistance, feel free to contact our Technical Support Department at 1-800-562.7169 or via email at and we will be happy to answer any question(s) you may have.


Drs Foster & Smith
Technical Support

We hope that you find this information beneficial. We employ some of the best people in the industry and want to be your source for all of your aquatic needs.
Drs. Foster & Smith

At 04:05 PM 3/29/2005 -0600, you wrote:

From: Stubing

I would like to see you guys start stocking a fish known as a "Sea Grass Wrasse". We zoanthid lovers are searching desperately for a natural predator of the zoo eating nudi, and this thread at Reef Central has given us some hope:

If you can get just one order of them, I guarentee they will all be sold. There are tons of us waiting to do our own independent testing with this fish if we can find it. Is this possible? Thanks!

Cheers, :D

Anyone having sucess yet? Mucho, how is it going with the new fish?

And Mucho, Thank-you very much for having taken the time and large risk of testing this possibility!

found one

found one

i found one today going to put it in quarantine till it eats and we will hope for the best. thanx mucho
Hope this works, my last dip with Lugols at 3X the dose did not kill them - back eating my zoos in less than 12 hours - the dip was even done in COLD fresh water. I dip the rock and all, have starboard bottom. YIKES. People, please post when you find a willing supplier.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Lugols is for the nudis...its for the zoas (sort of like putting neosporin on a cut on your finger....)
The FW is what kills the nudis. You could be having problems since the FW does not kill the eggs. You have to pick those off with tweezers. If you don't they will just hatch out and lay more eggs, etc. continuing the cycle...

rahre1 said:
Hope this works, my last dip with Lugols at 3X the dose did not kill them - back eating my zoos in less than 12 hours - the dip was even done in COLD fresh water. I dip the rock and all, have starboard bottom. YIKES. People, please post when you find a willing supplier.
I think that I am going to try this wrasse in my girlfriend's tank. She has a 65G with around 16 different species of Zoos and we just found a nudi yesterday. She has a Fire Shrimp, 6 chromis, and 3 firefish...I'll let you know how it goes.
Question?? Does he stalk your clean up crew? Crabs, snails, starfish? Also, will he eat anything else once the nudi's are gone? BTW this is a GREAT find and I can't tell you how much myself and countless others appreciate it. Thanks!

STILL Looking for one of these babies....
Anyone have any luck finding one online?
Anyone want to ship one they have?
