

Premium Member
Have been searching for info on breeding berghia for a project for my son to work on. I came across your article (, very well done.
I purchased a dozen nudis, I think most have already died as they were pretty small, however I have at least 4 or 5 strings of eggs already so hoping those will work out!
I am going to setup a dark tank to raise the small aiptasia and then put those in small cups that will float in a 10gallon tank. Once the eggs are visible I can use a turkey baster to suck them off the rock and then put in the cup? And I was surprised to see that just maintaining good salinity and temperature was enough for the floating cups (with lids) - no aeration or water flow is needed? Can all nudi's survive without any water flow or an airstone or something? I put a tiny little HOT filter that just sucks water in and passes it through a small sponge and carbon pad - really just wanted it for water movement more than anything but maybe its not needed?
My plan was to put a chunk of infested LR in the 10 gallon until it was clean and then swap out with another piece but I read that amphipods can eat the eggs so keeping LR out of the tank might be ideal?
Thanks for any advice!