Klaus, I have been planning on running my filter on my tank to cycle with Ammonia. This would both be to get the filter cycled and to develop and test the algorithm for responding to varying nutrient loads. I figured ammonia is probably best as it should go through the nitrate cycle and then be removed. It will also give me a chance to test if my dry rock is leaching phosphate.
The drawback here would be that the amount of phosphates measured wouldn't be decisive. It won't tell you how much phosphate is in your rock as some of it is (or could be) consumed by the bacteria in the filter. Even if you measure no phosphate it wouldn't mean that there isn't any.
Secondly, the bio mass of bacteria that a system can support is dependant of the limiting factor. We can look at carbon dosing for analogy: carbon is dosed to reduce N (as it is consumed by an increased bacteria population). Some P is consumed as well (as it is a building stone for all things living). The limiting factor, given enough surface area and enough C, usually becomes N. One often reads in relation to carbon dosing: unmeasearable N but P won't go down. Even to a point, which I believe is valid, that people dose N (as KNO3 or CaNO3). Finding the correct ratio of C > N > P for a system is key here.
So, to summarise, as P would be unknown it might be a limiting factor to the biomass potential of the filter. It might not but the fact of not knowing is detrimental to any conclusion. You'ld be in a better situation than a live system nevertheless as the amount of N and P input through food in a system X with volume Y and bioload Z would be unknown³ ;-)
The most affordable would be to do the tests using plain old RODI as the filter should work the same using freshwater bacterial strains as saltwater. That may make another cycle necessary once I convert to salt though. Hopefully at that point a robust algorithm will have been coded that can handle from startup to 100% operation with no adjustment.
I imagine testing the filter with new SW and a connected container of limited volume. As the total volume is known at that point it can be tested with given amounts of C, N and P at different ratios. I presume that when dosing conservatively and changing ratios slowly to the next test setting it could prevent the filter from crashing and fouling, in turn preventing restarts.
I read the same article about phosphate accumulating bacteria by stressing the bacteria and encourage them to accumulate PO4. That would be a very handy technique to include if it can be made to work in our environment. I would much rather have phosphate sequestered in bacteria that can be consumed as a food rather than in the water column where it can precipitate onto the rock work and cause problems longer term.
That's my idea as well: convert the phosphate into living matter to serve as food. I'ld like to see my P dissapear into bacteria (NPR), algae (ATS) and copepods (refugium).
Fact is though, this only converts the P, it does not remove it from the system (except for ATS algae that gets thrown out every 7-14 days allthough I imagine tangs to go bananas over a serving of fresh algae). All this bio-mass that is not consumed and converted to coral or fish bio-mass still lurks in the shadows.
In context of a NPR, the P is sequestered in bacteria but if these perish, the P is released again into the system. Next to that we're adding P daily through food which, once the bio-mass is maxed out, won't be sequestered any more.
In a SBR this is countered by removing part of the sludge after each cycle and thus removing sequestered P in bacteria.
When carbon dosing the excess bacteria are skimmed of. I hope for my system to grow enough algae in the ATS and remove part of the bio-mass with wet-skimming (to facilitate automatic WCs). On the other hand, if the NPR functions as expected I'll switch to interval wet-skimming or even no skimmer at all at which point P might become an issue.
I conclude this looking at the dymico recommendations for adding a phosphate absorber to counter the excess P. I quickly calculated what their recommendations represent assuming Rowaphos which saturates at 3ppm in 400l for 100ml of media.
The dymico manual mentions 300-1000ml of media for a fully stocked tank connected to a model 2000 to be replaced every 4-6 weeks (no doubt depending on feeding regime).
This adds up to:
- 0.14 to 0.21 ppm per day for a 600l tank with 300ml of Rowaphos
- 0.16 to 0.24 ppm per day for a 1800l tank with 1000ml of Rowaphos
That's a lot of P each and every day which isn't consumed by the bacteria in the filter!
(just realised P in english reads as pee which actually doesn't contain P, so for good understanding: P does not equal pee :dance