NYReefClub's June Tank Tour

Hi everyone. I feel I need to extend and explanation for the cancellation, since many of you set aside the time to attend. Not quite 2 months ago, my dad, who is 95, fell in the house and broke his hip. He did a stint in the hospital and then for the past three weeks, has been rehabilitating in a nursing home. This coming Friday he'll be sent home after a month of rehab, as the doctors feel his progress has reached a limit. At this point, he's not much better, though the pain has mostly subsided.

My folks house is multi-level and not really the best place for him, but as of now there's no other alternative. So this week I'll be busy making the house as user friendly as I can for him. My mom is 85 and really cannot assist him in his everyday needs.

We all try to prepare for these eventualities, but sometimes it's difficult for the aging to let go of their independence and accept that they need special care. It may be time for my folks to consider selling their home, but for now, I'll be interviewing for someone to take care of them on a full time basis. If anyone knows of someone or a source for these services, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I'm as disappointed as anyone, that the visit to my place to view the system needed to be postponed and certainly want to reschedule it for a later date this year. I hope this didn't inconvenience anyone because of special arrangements they needed to make in order to attend.

Bilk, sorry to hear about your dads recent unfortunate accident. I do happen to know of service in your area, that would provide you with the appropriate level of care for your parents. If you like, I will PM you with the information.
Hi Bill,

No explanation was needed publicly, but thank you anyway.

We support you 100% and understand priorities very well. Your system will be there in the future when its a good time for you to have us.

Hope all goes well and I'll be on the look out for any good potential home health aides.

Again Bill if the is anything you need let me know as I am on Staten Island if you need a hand with anything. Hope your dad gets better quick and we are sure to see your tank in the future.

Hi everyone and thanks for the well wishes. I have to say this was a good week and a week from hell. The good was having my dad and mom here on Sunday for Father's Day. They paroled him from the nursing home for the day LOL He had a great time in the newly finished yard and loved seeing Willie. He had been asking me to bring him with me to the NH, but that never worked out because I always had errands to run for both him and mom and didn't want to leave him in the truck when doing them.

On the Friday prior to FD, Willie and I were in the yard when all of a sudden he was favoring his right rear leg. He couldn't put weight on it. So I took him to the vet where they x-rayed and determined he had a partial tear of the ACL. Not sure how or where it happened as he seemed fine the night before. So they treated it with stem cell therapy - drawing his blood, centrifuging it and returning it to him in the effected joint. All was well except for my wallet. :( We had FD and he was happy to have people around. He's a people dog and loves company and attention.

Monday I had a few friends here for the soccer games. Willie wasn't his usual self. He was lethargic and wasn't eating. He was also eating grass and vomiting up bile. He had terrible runs too. I knew he was sick and planned on bringing him back to the vet the next day. Well on Tuesday morning, he was very sick. I could see he was dehydrated and needed immediate care. Test done in the office said he had parvo virus - a very aggressive and insidious illness. I was devastated. He was taken into the vet's care for two days for 24/7 monitoring and life saving protocols. He lost 10% of his body weight in a short period of time and could have easily gone into cardiac arrest. Thankfully and miraculously he survived and I couldn't be happier or more relieved. Now my wallet is really light LOL

This has been a long week. My back gave out sometime in the middle of redoing the yard, but I pressed thru. The Willie incident put me over the top. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do anything for my dad during that time, in preparation for his return home. He fully understands, but I still feel bad. Man sometimes life likes to give us a little tweak to see if we're still paying attention :bigeyes:
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wow, that's incredibly rough to say the least!
I am glad to hear they are both okay now, or at least on their way to being better.