o2manyfish 750g Tank, 1500g System "Built" Thread


I'm very curious to how yours behaves. Mine went in the tank on Thursday night and I haven't caught a glimpse of it yet. But my tank has a huge amount of caves and open space under the rock work. There are lots of fish and pipefish that live underneath and rarely come out onto the top side of the reef. Please feel free to PM me with updates on yours.

Michael B - Happy to share!
I've always read that these are very secretive fish. Mine has been swimming throughout the tank and often in the open water so I see her a lot. My worry is that she doesn't have great color (faded) and hasn't eaten anything that I've fed. She is also too skinny. I do see her picking at the rocks a lot and hasn't touched my corals yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and will give you updates in the future through PM. Please do the same with yours and good luck.

So the Colini went into the tank last Thursday night. As I left the tank to head off to bed the Colini had found the surge tank outlet (2" bulkhead in end of tank) and had made that her little den. However, when the surge isn't surging that pipe is also the home for a giant lawnmower blenny, who takes turns with an Obese Orange tail damsel.

With the Colini in the pipe, the Orange Tail Damsel, was backing into the pipe and kind of keeping the Colini corralled inside.

Last weekend I diligently watched the tank for a glimpse of the Colini. Flashlights were brought out angled at any opening in the rock work trying to catch a glimpse of this fish. Golden angels were spotted, Pipefish were spotted, Anthias in crevices were found. And a Rosy Solon Wrasse, which went into the tank 6-8 months ago and was never seen again, was found hanging out underneath my Monti cap colony. But no signs of the colini, not a glimpse, a fin, or a carcass.

I kept up my peering and prying into the tank all week. On 2 nights my wife said, 'Just start pulling out the rock so you will feel better." My wife loves the fish tank, but has no idea what it takes to start pulling rock out of it. And I'm not pulling rock out of my tank to find a fish for my own conscious.

Last night I fed the tank just about everything I had in the house, and went flashlight searching.... Zip Zero Nada.

Today Lawrence/Bullitr came over to pick up some Xenia, and while we are looking at the tank the little Colini comes out of a cave and makes an appearance. And then sits in the cave 1/2 visible with 2 Venustus, then with the Golden Angel and then with some Dispar anthias.

She doesn't look skinny, and I saw her picking at the roof of the cave.

I added a bunch of food to see if there was any interest, but once the fish in the tank got excited over food, she vanished into the darkness again.

But the first week has passed, now with a couple of good visual sightings, and seeing the fish moving calmly and slowly I have some confidence in the fish.

Dave B
Been awhile since I shot some video of the tank. I am using Premiere Pro for the editing, but don't know how to adjust the white balance with it. If anyone has some easy tips please feel free to PM me.

Video was taken on Friday July 31. The video is shot in HD. It's uploaded to youtube at 720p. So clicking through might get you bigger and better quality.

Dave B


Nice. Can you adjust the WB in camera before shooting? Old trick from GregR. Take something white (or 18% grey) and suspend it in the tank. Shoot that as a sample, then set the camera WB to the sample.

Been awhile since I shot some video of the tank. I am using Premiere Pro for the editing, but don't know how to adjust the white balance with it. If anyone has some easy tips please feel free to PM me.

Video was taken on Friday July 31. The video is shot in HD. It's uploaded to youtube at 720p. So clicking through might get you bigger and better quality.

Dave B
Pictures of o2manyfishes reef

Pictures of o2manyfishes reef

Some pics taken today. Dave's reef is rockin'.






Didn't read all 18 pages. But what an epic fairytale thread... Congrats on your marriage and tank. Good Lesson on perseverance and dedication to the hobby. Lol...getting married at Long Beach aquarium...👍
So awesome to come across this post. I remember going to frag swaps at your house years ago!

Trying to get back into a reef setup, thanks for the motivation!
Hey Dave...

Sorry if you've mentioned this, but where do you keep your ALK? Do you carbon dose?