o2manyfish 750g Tank, 1500g System "Built" Thread


We are still doing frag swaps at my house. Not the 200-300+ of 10 years ago. But we still get 100-150. They are still free to everyone, vendors and hobbyists. Still a big potluck BBQ/Picnic and still lots of fun. The next one is on Sept 19th. Hopefully the weather will not be to hot and everyone will have fun.

Dave B

I don't track my parameters unless something doesn't look right. So if you go back to the photos between Sept 2014 and April 2014 the Alk in those photos was between 16 & 18. I know that's off the scale, but the corals looked great and it just crept up there, and I am a firm believer is it works then leave it alone. The only down side is as I was fighting with a crappy regular on my Calcium Rx, anything the reg quit its steady stream there were a couple of deep water colonies that immediately would shift or lose tissue, and that's how I knew it was acting up.

After borrowing (for very long term now) a Regulator from AceEsq, I got things stable and over a period of month the alk was running in the 8.5 to 9.

I think some of the corals had better color (if not crazy color) with the high alk, but now between lowering the alk and dosing the Triton Trace elements the growth on some of my pieces has taken off.

I don't dose any carbon (like vodka). I was running Bio-Pellets for the past 2 years. But I quit those this past spring. I think there were some corals happier with the pellets (color and polyp extension) but the pellet reactors were just constantly clogging and making me have to work. I do like Aquarium Specialty dark brown bio-pellets. If I can find a Pellet Reactor with a better design I will buy it and put them back on line. I have 2 models of Reef Octopus, and the Bashsea --- DO NOT BUY A BASHSEA PELLET Reactor ----- Horrible Horrible design.

Some people have been raving about the Aquamaxx and I will look into that. The next project is going to be swapping my Dart for a Vectra L1, and trading my 10+ year old tunzes for the APex WAVs

I don't track my parameters unless something doesn't look right...


Awesome Dave thanks :)

That's crazy high alk! Been trying to keep our display around 7.5 (vodka) and frag tank around 8.

Would be interested to see what you think about the WAVs :)

The Alk number is crazy, and at the same time the phosphates were between 1 and .85

My tank looked phenomenal --- But I would never tell people to get to those levels. My tank drifted that way on it's own, and since it was on it's own schedule the numbers were stable the corals were happy. It's much more important that (most) parameters stay constant and stable than swing all over the place. If you look at the values some of our parameters in the ocean, and then think they ship 1/2 way around the world and go into thousands of different tanks every week the corals are pretty adaptable.

Dave B
Thefishwrangler.... Thanks the hobby is so enjoyable when things look as good as they do. And not having to spend money and time on the tank, but just letting it do it's own thing.

Currently my main tank duty wiping algae, and fighting with my Apex. Everything else is on Authopilot.

It's much more important that (most) parameters stay constant and stable than swing all over the place.

Dave B

Makes the .41 PO4 I had seem pretty low :)

Yeap... brought up ALK a little too fast on the frag tank and nuked the shortcake haha

Got down to 5.9 and brought it up slowly (In my mind) to 8.5. Few days later overnight the shortcake was white. Noticed a little STN on some other acros, but it seems to have stopped. Everything really likes the new lights a lot more as well.

Otherwise everything else seems happy :P
Another shot from a few Saturdays ago...

Another shot from a few Saturdays ago...

This was one happy Clownfish...


We are still doing frag swaps at my house. Not the 200-300+ of 10 years ago. But we still get 100-150. They are still free to everyone, vendors and hobbyists. Still a big potluck BBQ/Picnic and still lots of fun. The next one is on Sept 19th. Hopefully the weather will not be to hot and everyone will have fun.

Dave B

I may have to cruise by just for fun..I'd have nothing to put a frag in at this point in time.

I am hosting a Frag Swap, with the local MASLAC club, this coming Saturday - Sept 19th. It's free to vendors and hobbyists, you don't need a tank just to come hangout and talk fish.

We have a great potluck as well as an actual chef bringing the entree.

It's a fun afternoon of fish chat.

Dave B

Thank you for the compliment. As much as I enjoy searching for cool corals and a specific fish, it's kind of nice to be at a point now where I don't feel I need to be shopping for anything.

I picked up a couple of small pieces right before MACNA, and I took out a piece that wasn't coloring up to make space. So now I am at the point of having to make room for new pieces.

And also trimming back some pieces that are over shadowing others.

Dave B
Awesome read Dave. Glad to see you still in the hobby after all these years. A bad run of Aiptasia, high energy bills and a lack of family interest made me leave the hobby years ago. I can't imagine trying to bounce back from the disasters you went through but you've got a helluva talent for growing corals and obviously massive amounts of patience.
Time for some new stuff

Time for some new stuff

Been busy and the tank has been doing great. Awhile back out of the blue my full size Goldflake angel just vanished. I looked all over in the tank, around, under, overflow but the fish vanished. I'm thinking it jumped out and either the housekeeper tossed it or the dogs grabbed it and took it out in the yard. Either way, very bummed to have lost the fish, and not having any luck finding a replacement.

Corals have been growing really well. I started dosing Triton Base and Trace elements. Been dosing the elements for about 3 months now. I haven't noticed any difference in the colors of the corals. But the growth of some of the corals has just taken off. I have several corals that have been consistent slow growers for up to 2 years which have just taken off in all directions since adding the Triton to the mix.

After over a decade of great service I finally replaced some of my Tunze pumps. One of my original 6200's is still running. I had replaced my aging 6200's with Tunze 6155, and 6255. I have been really disappointed with the reliability of the newer pumps. I'm on my second 6255 in the past 18 months and as of this week it has quit running. The 6155's spend half their time spinning in reverse. So I opted for the 4 of the Neptune WAV pumps running off my Apex. I am running 2 as upflow pumps (in the middle of the tank pointed at the surface). The volume these smaller pumps move is outstanding. I have to dial them back to 60% when I am home because the move so much water that the boiling water has gotten too noisy.

And here is what we are looking like

My Grafted
grafted - October 16, 2015.jpg

Middle of the tank

FTS Mid - October 16, 2015.jpg

Pink Lemonade

Pink Lemonade - October 16, 2015.jpg

Blue Stag -- Had this Aussie Blue Stag for over a year, all the new growth tips are since starting the Triton Elementz
Blue stag - October 16, 2015.jpg

FTS Spire - October 16, 2015.jpg

Oregon Tort Colony - Getting big
Oregon - October 16, 2015.jpg

Acro 1 - October 16, 2015.jpg

FTS Mid - October 16, 2015.jpg

Monti A - October 16, 2015.jpg

The Whole Darn Thing
FTS All - October 16, 2015.jpg
It's a Boy

It's a Boy

It's a Boy

Some of you that have followed the thread know my love for my Bellus Angels. Having kept Bellus Angels as individuals, pairs and harems in the past 15 years I have always enjoyed these fish. However I have always waited patiently and purchased Male Bellus angels.

Well for the first time I have a Bellus angel changing gender on me. And boy is this happening quickly. The changes in the photos have take place in the past week.

Bellus Male 1 - October 28, 2015.jpg

Bellus Male 2 - October 28, 2015.jpg

And here is my misbar Bellus that is growing up nicely
Bellus Male 3 - October 28, 2015.jpg

Bellus Male 4 - October 28, 2015.jpg

I also built a new Regulator for the Calcium Reactor
New Reg.jpg

And here is some video of the tank from October 2015
Here are some updated photos to show just how fast the Bellus can change. This is what the fish looked like as of last Sunday night. So total switchover was about 10 days.

Bellus_1 - November 15, 2015.jpg

Bellus_2 - November 15, 2015.jpg

Bellus_3 - November 15, 2015.jpg

Dave B