How crazy has this millie turned out... This isn't shot under blue leds either, this is with Radions set to almost 14k at 100% (just for shooting the photos)
Another nice milli
This is another milli, Oregon tort at the top of the photo. Take a peak at the acro to the right of the milli in the center.That 'colony' was a 1.5" 2 branch frag about 5.5 months ago. Since I started dosing the Triton Base elements some of my corals have just started growing like weeds. And this piece in particular. I don't think I have had a monti digi grow as fast as this acro has. It's really amazing 5.5 months
These are some Orange Rhodactis. And they just love the back bottom of the tank.... This is what gets thrown to the back of the tank lol....
Pink Lemonade Colony - This has been growing well, but strangely all the new growth on this colony is growing from the underside forward. It's actually growing from the shade under the colony out. Silly corals don't always make sense
So this is my Red Planet colony. This has grown from small 2 branch frag to this colony in about 18 months. The way it grew out, it grew out from the rock and upward at an angle. So the front dark edge of the coral was blocking the view of the pretty part of the coral and the colony was actually hidden from view by itself. Well it kept growing and growing and grew right up to the acrylic. So last weekend I go in with my clippers to trim it back an inch. Of course as soon as I go to cut my first piece the entire colony pops off the rock it was mounted to. So I pull the colony and trim in back an inch and a half. You can see how dense the growth is. So as I trim the coral it is coming apart in such small frags that I would be embarrassed to give them to a friend because they are so fricking tiny. But being a coral addict of course I took the time to mount these stupid little nubs and put them in the outdoor frag tank. Then I go to put the colony back in the tank, and it won't go back and mount the way it was originally. So to get it to epoxy to the rockwork, I have to turn the coral 90 degrees. So the good part is I now have a nice pretty view of my Red Planet colony. The bad news is, there was no reason to trim the darn thing back.
My strawberry shortcake. Got this piece from a Wild Aussie shipment. Started out with some color, immediately lost all color, and now months later is finally starting to color up.
And a tort
Well that's it for the photos for the time being. I promise to try to get some front photos soon.
For those of you struggling to lower your phosphates, so your corals will be pretty.....
On February 8th the phosphates in the tank were .32...... not a typo.... not .03 not .02 but .32
My Hanna colorimeter read .34 and my Triton ICP came back with the ,32
I got news my new Calcium Reactor finished being built and was tested and shipped this week. So next week I should have some new equipment pics to share.
My tank is happy.... I hope yours is too!
Dave B