Ocean City, MD vacation


New member
I'm heading onto vacation with my husband and kids and in laws. Can I take anything home from the ocean? What's illegal and what's not? Where can I learn these things, or is there anything to take from this section of ocean anyway?
We are a few minutes from OC. Not really much worth trying to take home from the ocean here.

Recommendations (You probably already know about most of these, but might be helpful to others considering a trip)

Have fun during the day here:

Watch the wild ponies and enjoy a bonfire at night here, our fav spot-most folks clear out about 5pm and that is when we get there so you still get some sun and bring some hot dogs and such and cook on the beach, a must with kids and in laws. Plenty of places along the road to buy firewood. Go to the national side to the right, not state park.

Don't miss this-Pony Swim Event

Get wild here:

Oh, and of course don't miss these, haven't had any in years, but so good-with vinegar!
Thank you so much! I have an almost 9 stepson and almost 3 daughter. Need ideas because they are not at all interested in the same things other than our fish tank lol.

I just looked at your signature and seriously was raving to my hubby last night that we need to leave the kids with the grandparents and make the hourish drive to visit the coral farm!!! Will you be around Sunday or Monday?

What ever you do, DO Not pass on the french fries.
Ocean city really is a very nice place you will enjoy it very much.
They have a great boardwalk in OC. You will have no problem keeping the kids occupied. Agree with Dr. Mac there is not much to bring home.
Awesome im on Solomon island you should head up here too. But i dont know if you have heard of Dr. Macs but his coral green house is AWESOME one of the biggest in the nation even if your not into fish tanks its pretty cool regardless.
The water was great! My stepson and I spent a lot of time on boogie boards, we loved it. It was his first time to actually be able to swim in the ocean, lots of fun! Only one full day to spend there so it wasn't as much fun as it could have been. On our way out, we stopped at Pacific East Aquaculture and bought some great looking corals. I can't wait until those arrive!