Oceanic 215 with Solaris Build

Great thread and tank. Love the fish selection and open-ness of the rockwork. Its going to look awesome when all your corals have grown out. It seems like all those Solaris bashers don't really know what they are talking about.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11883486#post11883486 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Me No Nemo
Hi Dave, yes, there are some bands on the very top. I've just chosen to space my SPS up there so they fall directly under the lights. Not really much of a problem IMO, as the light fans out to full cover fairly high up. Also, depends on how high up you mount the lights and how high up you build your rock. I would say balancing that against the growth and color I'm getting and the pluses of no heat issues, the cloud cover, moonset, moonrise, sunset, sunrise and the ability to dial in the light colors to individual preferences, it's a minor problem. Even the corals that span large areas on top don't seem to be affected by it at this point. I'll try to get some shots of that when I get more pics so you can gauge for yourself if it would be a negative for you. I've really not had anyone who's seen the tank in person call it out as a problem. On the one pics where it's pretty obvious, I believe the sand still hadn't settled and I had the white lights up pretty high.

I also meant to ask (and sorry if this was covered somewhere a few pages ago), how high up are the lights? Are the on the legs, or did you mount them into the canopy?

percentage whites/blues

percentage whites/blues

will caution anyone who gets them though...they are very powerful on the white light end. Use caution and start out with 100% blue and probably 40-50% white or you will probably bleach out some corals. Gradually build up to where you want to be.

Right, I've read about that. I'm replacing 13 month old pcs (4x96w) so I will be careful. You mean the daylights right? Any new pics? I have to live vicariously through others now since I'm not adding anything to my tank until the lights arrive. Thanks!
Dave, I have the light on the legs above the tank.

I'll try for some new pics this weekend. I leave before the lights come on most days and have been getting home after they go off.

Yes, Bklyn, the daylights. I have mine set to 35% right now and might still drop them to 30%. I really like the lights and have no regrets about getting them. I think you'll be very pleased.
You guys make it sound that the I4 is giving off some serious light...I will start mine with the white around 30%
Loving the tank Marcye. Can wait to see some of your rare corals get in and settled and see how great they color up and their growth. Will continue following along :) See you next week, fingers crossed..no copper!
Marcye, your cabinetry is beautiful. Nice stain color. The full wall to wall looks super. Was wondering how the I4 does vs. your canopy and how difficult the tank is to get into with both the I4 on the legs and the canopy itself. I was thinking of going with no canopy, but am still woried about access inside the tank with the fixture on the legs or suspended. Does your canopy work for you on the access side of things?
Hi Brent, thanks:) Tom did a final coat on the stain today and put a first coat of satin varnish on the doors. He's goal is to get the second coat on the doors tomorrow and the varnish on the cabinet...at least the first coat. He's going with two coats. I"ll get some pics, hopefully tomorrow, with the canopy up on the hinges and also a top down so you can see the access. I feel like it's working very nicely the way it's designed. We don't have any problems so far getting into the tank.

We are having problems with my rabbitfish! He's just nipping coral like crazy...LPS and SPS! He's got my elegance to the point where it won't open:( I've definitely got to get him out but it's turned into a huge challenge due to the staining. We are trying to keep water off the wood until the second coat of varnish is on and that lends to problems trying to catch him. I've lent my trap out and it hasn't come back yet, so I guess I'll have to buy a new one. I've had to remove two SPS corals that he's done in, so out he goes!

Besides that all is going well with the tank. The temps have risen to 80 during the day with the cabinet doors installed, but we haven't put the fans in yet. We're leaning towards an exhaust fan that just moves the air outside. We don't think the heat is being generated from the lights themselves, but seems to be more from the sump area with the pumps. We experimented a bit and leaving the doors open on the bottom keeps the temps about 79 degrees.

Sand is still staying remarkably white with the flow just barely moving the very top. Together with the cleanup crew I think I'll be happy with the results. I've added several new pieces of coral (types the rabbit doesn't seem to mess with) and a gorgeous frilly purple gorgonian. We've already gone through a gallon of calcium but the rock is coloring up very nicely. I'll do my best to get some pics tomorrow. Marcye
Thanks, it's the One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus). Normally, I've found them safer than many of the other rabbits, but there's always a chance they'll pick.
well keeping fingers crossed for now, but my magnificent foxface hangs around colt coral all day long and hasn't develop a taste for anything yet? i was interested in another one, but was afraid.
Marcye, how well do you thing the Solaris would work on a deep tank, say 36". Do you think it would penetrate deep enough to keep SPS's ALMOST all the way down to the sand bed?
Hmmmm, well I have a 30" deep tank my carpet anemone is doing very well at the bottom and they have very high light needs. I have my white lighting down to 32% so Iwould imagine, based on what I"m seeing that you would be fine.
Beautiful system!!! I have been down to orlando a few times, never been into any LFS though...just figured, to see something I like, and then worry about bringing it on board a plane, I wouldn't know how well that would work out....anyway beautiful tank.
A few pics...sorry I just can't get this camera tuned in right on the white balance. The colors just don't show anywhere near what they are in the tank.

Insane polyp extension after feeding CoralPlankton from Liquid Life:



More polyp extension on the suharonoi after feeding:

waiting for my I4 aswell...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11967949#post11967949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bklynreefdude
Thanks for the new pics Marcye! Just called PFO and they said another 2 weeks for my I4. Oh well, I sit and wait
quick question I have the same tank and am all most done with the stand so I am looking ahead. so here is my question did you put anything between the tank and the plywood. some people put insulation and I hear one person put rubber from a tread mill . I was not sure what to do. I only want to do this build ones thanks