October Meeting @John's


Do you see me SMIZING?
PLEASE visit our website: http://www.nwreefsociety.com/simplemachinesforum/

for more details and to RSVP.


October Meeting
Time: 12:00 - 3:00, Sunday Oct. 26th
Place: 865 Bog Brook Lane, Wabeno, WI. directions can be given via PM if you can't map quest it

Topic: TBD
One suggestion; water testing - although my water is not the best to test maybe people could bring their test kits and we could compair the readings from different brands. this could include salinity (refractometers, and hydrometers as well)

Food: i will be grilling hamburgers and/or chicken breast

Frag Swapping: if you have some frags to trade or sell post pics in this thread and make pre-meet sales via PM or this thread

Tank: All I have running right now is a very simple 125 AGA that is in "transition". As many of you know i am considering a new tank so until i decide on the tank and the theme i am not going to do much with this one. currently it houses a mixed garden reef with softies, zoas, shrooms, and LPS. basically i have kept only a few of my favoritte corals
we can discuss my plan for a new tank at the meeting.