odd hitchicker question


Active member
i just noticed a critter in my tank that has been running 6 years. the tank is a tbs liverock and sand tank, so this has been in the tank that long. after much research i have id it as a bottit worm. it,s about 3" long i guess as i,ve never seen the whole thing. just recienty noticed the tenicles sticking out from a burrow under the rock. trying to figure out how to deal with it, or should i try as the tank is running well and nothing seems effected after all this time.
There's a few polychaete worms that look like bobbits but aren't. Any fish go missing? If you can get a picture that would be best. If it is a bobbit I believe they can be trapped. You definitely don't want it.
All the old guys here (myself included) would like to see a picture.

Oh, wait, Sean I just realized I have no idea of your age. Just assumed we are about the same age.
you guys are youngsters! just 56, ha. a picture would be great, but it,s so far back under a rock overhang, it would be almost impossible.