Off Topic - Tuna Tournament


Premium Member
There is a Tuna Tournament in OCMD next weekend, and my team needs one more man. They gave out 550,000 last year in prize money. 2 days of fishing (Sat and Sun) and the cost is about 1400.

PM me is interested or if you know anyone who may be.

Tuna fishing is a lot fun and a lot of hard work. But I haven't been tuna fishing in many years. does that entry fee include the calcutta? that's where the real money is made. What type boat will the team be fishing? heading for the canyons or looking for an inshore bite at the jack spot.?

I have had some luck on charters from OCMD with old work mates in the past fishing the FINATIC. Don't know if it's still running there. I had a small big eye once, 85 pounds, trolling sargassum weed lines at the canyons. and some kind of big tuna chunking at the jackspot.

they had been catching nothing but 30-40 pound schooly yellow fin at the jackspot for a month. the day we went, we anchored and chunked in a growing storm, when it was pouring rain and 10 foot seas and 35 knot winds we got bit by some big tuna passing thru. we had nothing but 30's and 50's out and my 50 wided was almost spooled on the first run of 600 yards, but i turned it around and had it along side the boat 3 or 4 times. but just out of gaff reach. it was about 6-7 foot long and more than i could reach around. perhaps 300 pounds. but the weather was bad, we were at anchor and couldnt plane it out. so one last try to muscle it up to the boat on 50 pound line, and then,,, a long line release. nice fish. you just never know what may bite on any given day.

I cant make it, but I Hope you find a team mate.

Good Luck!
Yes, that does include all calcutta's but one. the 5,000 one. It puts us in about 5 others.

I hear you on the fish story. :) Hopefully, I will have pictures!!!

Let me know if you know anyone else who may want to make it.

