Hop: :lol: yeah well I have so much to do and my yard is a total mess. I have an open ditch where I am installing a new drain pipe, 1/2 acre of lawn is waist high, and my skimmer is down again as it waits for me to figure out how to get it into a sump that is too small....I measured the sump for it but forgot that my BHs would protrude into the sump area. I may have to set the skimmer on top of a plastic soda case. I should have it going tomorrow morning one way or another, and I hope to reveal my DIY anti-needle wheel skimmer mod.
Brad: Yeah, my blowers ripple the surface well but the Vortechs actually churn it. I have them installed at about 1/2 way up the glass, so that is about 17 inches from the water surface. When I turn the wet frame so that the covered part is facing down, I really get some surface action. I think they are designed so that part is facing up so that the pumps won't cavitate in smaller tanks.