OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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Well got a positive ID...thanks for the help. It is indeed an orange spot so that is cool. I really like them and that explains his color changing and habitual detritus munching.
Yeah they are cool! Hard to believe that a wholesale/importer is selling them as Philippine Yellow Tangs...that's the second tang they have mis-named and I see other retail customers asking about the same fish as well as a couple stores selling them under the wrong name.
I know I have seen them sold like that too, but not the juveniles. In fact I have never seen a juvenile in a store.
Hey man i need to find some weldon #4 in the seattle area.... any Idea? i had made a over flow box about six months ago and the glue "said bonds Acrillic....." LOAD OF POOOWY. moved tank across house yesterday..... one side of box came off in hand ........Crap now how am i going to filter the tank... how and i am going to keep little bac alive until i can fix it ............ baaaaaaa!
I get mine at Interstate Plastics in Kent. They have great service, excellent prices, and a super surplus section. If you go there, make sure to pick up some #40 to fill gaps and Brillianize. The Brillianize is the best cleaner/polish I have found for acrylic and they have excellent prices on it.

Also, drop the entire box in the sump to keep the bac alive until you get everything together.
thanks man, i hooked up the return line to the feed line, so it is still runnig and i dropped some dry food in , 1' the water is almost blasting the Bio balls.
might see if i can get my wife to set up anaccount with the plastic place ..... :)
I don't have an "account"...they'll take you right off the street. Nice guys. Hand delivered a screwed up order right to my house one time.
phew, well I just want to thank you Jonathan for being tranparent with RC about your project. I must say that I'm inspired. This thread certainly displays the community culture well. Thank you everyone else who has helped contribute to Jonathan's success.
-- Jared
?? Ever find your ring?
Thanks for the feedback Jared! :D

Have not found the ring...haven't even looked because I can't really come up with a good way to do it. Bummer because it was/is a custom built ring and not cheap.

I got all 4 Vortechs up and running today. They seem to be running fine although I still have to adjust them occassionally. The real downer right now is that I can't connect them to my ACIII Pro until Eco-Tech has figured out why they are failing on my system. So what I am doing is turning them up in the morning and down in the evening to at least vary the flow a little bit.
So one of my GBTAs moved to a new spot and its tentacles are covering part of a crocea. Does anyone have any experience with this? Will it hurt the clam? I don't see any damage yet...should i intervene?
It is probably okay, but you have a big enough tank that you should be able to move it to a safer spot. The clam, that is.
I think moving a clam in that tank would look something like this:

LOL...not far from the truth. I don't relish getting down in there and fighting off the maroon while trying to move a clam. Me and the maroon have had words lately.
I just went through most of this thread. Some really good info. I'm in the process of setting up my new Miracles tank as well. In fact I just talked to Derek today and he said the back was being cut and being sent off to be tempered Friday. Even though it isn't quite as big as your "baby" it is still a fair sized tank. I'm "borrowing" some of your ideas in my endeavor with lighting ect. I look foward to seeing some current pics of the tank.
tom obrecht: Feel free to PM with any specific questions. This project has taught me a lot and has plenty of room for more lessons! :D
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