OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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I just looked up some specs: The DC8 is rated to 15A total but the max current for any one outlet is 6A. Running an 800W heater on there is a VERY big no-no.

As I recommended on the phone, please remove all VorTech's from the Neptune devices until we figure out what's going on in your application. Replacing parts is not cheap for us, especially since it is very likely that the route cause of the problem is not our product.


Wow, I bet a 1000w MH is roughly 10 amps, right? Is it 1000w divided by 110v to get amps? If so, that is 9.09 amps per bulb/ballast.
This is purely a wild guess on my part, but if anything is ruined at this point, it would be the black transformer and not the driver or pump. Of course, that only applies to the x-10 discussion. If it was due to pulling too many amps, then the driver may be damaged due to a brown out.

I bet you'll get it resolved, and please let us know what you figure out.

I am working on it, as well as EcoTech...I suppose field testing is the best testing right? :D


I actually fried the fuse on a DC8 when I had two 800W heaters on it (total error on my part) but in my discussions with Curt, he seemed to feel that running one on it would be OK. It rarely turns on but it last turned on on the 25th.

They are all offline now with one operating on a non-controlled circuit. I would hate to think that I cannot use the Neptune controller to run these pumps. I could definitely put that in the huge mistake column if that turns out to be the case!

I am very interested in finding out what the cause really is, but with so many variables, it will be tough to track down. In the case that marc suggests, if the power supplies are somehow damaged, then this could happen again. We will know in short order though since I am running one right now on household current.

I'll have to see what the draw is on the IceCap 660 since that is a new addition to the DC8...I may have tipped the scales with that one.
It is possible that the powersupplies have already been damaged, and that the damage is done, meaning that driver could still become fried while running without the Neptune devices. I'm looking into it.

OK guys...I am working on my multi-media reactor and am stumped on one thing:


I cannot figure out how to keep excess CO2 from building up in the calcium chamber #1. If I am returning the recirc fluid into that chamber, it seems to me that it would try to rise and accumulate at the top. I am also toying with the idea of making both calcium chambers Up Flow.

I have considered making it just a single large calcium chamber, but I think I would have dispersion difficulties and the media basket would weigh a ton and be very difficult to handle. Total calcium volume will be in the 9 - 10 gal range.

So anyone have any suggestions?
one thing.... i would put the Co2 in line on the intake side of the pump that way you are getting the gas mixed well with the salute. and how about runiing a small co2 line from the top of chamber one back to where you have the co2 line after the pump with maybe one of those one way check valuves?

just my 2 cents
Enderrea: Yeah that would be correct for the CO2 intake. It is just a rough drawing to get an idea for flow through the reactor. I also will have CO2 collection via the inlet side of the recirc pump. That will be mounted on top in an add-on chamber designed to hold accumulated CO2. My issue is CO2 acumulating in other parts of the reactor.

Like my Avatar??? You know that's a Penn!
from the looks of it though i am wondering about the afluent (spelling) with the way this is set up are you going to get enough of a drop in the P.H. inside this chamber to disolve the Ca? the idea of a clacium reactor is for the production of CaCo3?
correct me if i am wrong. is the back flow to the system a small line ? with a low flow ?? trying to wrap my brain around this
Good question. Most of the water flow will be routed (labeled out flow bleeds) out of the chamber before the calcium media and that throughput will be fairly slow. Not as slow as some reactors I think, but I am dealing with a fairly large volume of water in my system. I am using 3/8" effluent lines so I have enough capacity if needed. Hopefully the CO2 will be contained within the calcium portion of the reactor.

This entire reactor will be sealed so I should be able to tweak the flow as needed.
I am wondering if the flow for the Phos reactor / Ca reactor is going to be ajustable enough in this confiuguration ............. i want to D.I.Y. may stuff when i start a tank too. looking forward to seeing your results with this.
Is there any concern about the Bicarbonate binding with the phos reactor ? I need to take Organic Chem some time soon so i can under stand this a little better.

your A.V. is great.
I need to get out there and do some Fishing.
I would love some Kelp Cod...... mmmmmm yummy
Talk is cheap...get out and fish!

I am fairly certain that the flow out of the Ca reactor and through the RowaPhos will be fine. I have seen other DIY set ups where the Ca effluent is run through a phos reactor so that the Ca media doesn't add phosphate to the system. I had originally planned to have the phos part before the calcium until I found that out that Ca media often precipitate phosphate.
we did get one nice rainbow 18 inches, and a brook trout 14 inches last week. fly fished for two day... didn't get a thing, busted out the power bait eggs and whamo couldn't keep the line in the water.
do i need to up laod my pic's to a file share place to get them to show up? i have tride to get pictures of my tank ......... I hate computers i tell you what.
Haven't posted in a while so a quick update:

Not much to report but I have gotten my alkalinity back up to 8 dKh and I think I may push it to 9. The corals seem to be responding favorably. Interestingly I have a rugosa that through all the havoc has not even flinched. My research has shown that is one of the most sensative corals in a wild reef but it seems very happy in my tank.

I also am looking to ID a fish that I have had for a while. It was sold to me as a Philippine Yellow Tang and has grown much faster than the other fish. The problem is that I am interested in how big it will get, but I cannot find this fish online to read about it.

I'll try to post a pic soon but am curious if anyone has any suggestions as to where I might find info. on a fish by that name.

My multi-media reactor is coming along fine. I am working on the flange and lid tonight and tomorrow and hope to have the sections in by Thursday.
So i know what ....... We have not seen a picture of that display in a long time .......? What are you waiting for ??? do i need to bring down my power shot ?
Well guys I got back last night from a short trip to OMSI in Portland. I highly recommend it for anyone who has kids!

I also invited myself and traveling companions to visit Steve Weast's stellar system. Steve is a really nice guy and was extremely hospitable. His tank systems are the cleanest and best engineered I have ever seen. I particularly like the way he has built it to run for weeks without anything but feeding to be done by a friend.

I could go on-and-on about it but I think everyone is fairly familiar with with his reef. If not, you can view it at Oregon Reef. I know I should have taken pictures but I didn't feel right about it and don't have enough skill to present it properly anyway. I had originally wanted to get a picture of myself in front of the tank, but it just seemed too childish at the time. I was too busy looking at all the stuff anyway! His gigas is so big, my son mentioned after the visit that he hope no fish accidentally swim inside of it!

One thing I brought back from the visit was much less worry about having 3 GBTAs in my tank. I have been a bit panicked that somehow this would cause major problems, but seeing Steve's anemone laden tank put my mind at ease. I can't even remember how many he has but I would guess at least thirty including a HUGE colony of RBTAs, carpets, sebae, and one stunning purple LTA. One corner of several cubic feet was entirely RBTA. It was(is) breathtaking.

Today I install the new Vortech drivers and do a few other little chores.
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