Well everyone, my third shipment to DIBS left today containing just 150 DIBS Turbo sp. and some odds & ends...
The size of my snails has improved, but I am not getting any adult sized snails yet. It seems strange but breeding in my system is crazy but growth is not. Even when I move snails to the "grow-out" tank, they grow at a very slow rate. I do now have enough algal growth to support them, but the cost has been an increased mortality rate. Also, a couple adult DIBS Turbo sp. that I was saving for Brian in the grow-out tank have perished.
My display system is having water quality issues as well, and it seems to have had an impact on my Mexican turbos. I had lost only one in over a year's time, and recently lost a dozen, all in a week's time. Could just be coincidental due to age, but the number of deaths has me suspicious. My corals look fine except for the montiporas, which are STNing. Other corals are growing well. Anyway, not much impact on my DIBS breeding except that it may be affecting growth rates.