OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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Shawn, actually I don't. I used one temporarily while starting up the tank because I hadn't built my skimmer yet. It was one of the household sized ones and is still waiting in the hallway to get hooked back up where it belongs. What I found with this is that the filters got clogged up fairly quickly and filled with snails etc. I then switched to filter socks but have since stopped because I changed out my sumps and it is too difficult to change out the socks now. My plan is to install a perforated shelf to lay floss on.

BTW, I must make a small connection here: Since i stopped using the socks, my vermetid population has grow much faster. I think there may be a corellation.

So, today was one of those days. :( I had issues going on all day with the store and the tank. I found out a couple days ago that my CO2 tank had run dry and my spare was in use at the store for a refrigeration project. Many angering issues have come up all day and all the while, oor power was out at the house. There was a power line laying across the road when I took my son to school! So the power was out for between 8 - 10 hours. I came home a couple times to check on things, and brought in a UPS to run a Vortech pump (which wasn't already charged so the effort was futile). The power finally came on and all animals seem to be in good shape. The tank temp. was fine and pH was slightly high due to the lack of CO2. I had shut down the top-off last night so it didn't spike.

Then I notice tonight a lot of water on the floor and discover that the top to my kalk reactor had been leaking the previous day. Its postion in the tank room allows for seepage to flow down the back and onto the floor under the tank, and somehow it got by my water sensor on the floor. Ugh!!! And the shop-vac is at the store of course...and today Fedex Freight delivered the doors for my new walk-in display freezer with one of them shattered. It takes 2 months for them to build these things and I told my wife today that I can't work with people! I really wanted to punch an old lady today. :mad: Oh well, nothing that beer can't fix! :lol:
Jonathan, have you seen the forecast for tomorrow? They are calling 100+ mph winds on the west coast, 65+ here. I'm soooooo glad I got that generator hooked up. I put an order in for socks today and asked about getting your smaller size ones. Haven't heard back yet.
yeah, I heard about it...hopefully the power will be on for the game, otherwise we'll only be able to stare at each other and drink Snowcap! :D That generator project I need to do keeps slapping me in the back of the head. And it hurts! Can't wait to see your paddle skimmer.
What a bad day indeed. I hope things get better for you and your tank, your store and your wife. :)
My lovely wife has informed me that I am staying home tomorrow night. You are welcome over here if you want to come. I'll have the game on unless a tree smashes my house! You won't believe what I did with that paddle plate!
Sherman: dude...but I have an LCD TV! Did you tell her that??? We'll see what happens...I have a lot to deal with tomorrow so I need to see what shape my brain is in.

Marc: Thanks...if I ranted about all the crap that went wrong today, well it would be way too much even for seasoned reefers, and I would totally sound like a girl. I am just glad the day is over and I didn't kill anyone. :)
:) Hang in there! Remember it was only half as bad as it could have been:lol: That's what I keep telling myself over and over and...
Ok Jonathan, if lose power then I'll be your shining becon in the night. BTW, have you harvested any more snails? I'de like to see how they do in the "clean room".
Wow we all have those make you crazy days. I tend to just go into my fish room and tell my wife I had one and she understands! I mess around and clean and test and all that stuff just some quite time (well ok the fish room is not very quite!) by myself more then anything. I have often wanted to punch perfectly normal people myself sometimes. Ok at the time they seemed moronic!

Here's to better days! Have a beer for me!
thanks for the supportive posts guys...pH dropped really low last night. When I got up this morning t was at 7.64, and I have no idea why. It should have been high since I re-started my kalk top-off last night. Also, again after a power outage, one of my DC4HD units is acting up. I am not sure f it is the code or the unit iteself, but when I got up all devices attached to it were OFF. I restarted the ACIII Pro and they all came back on. This is another issue I need to resolve but don't have the time right now.

So I just went down and checked on things and everything is running quite well. Salinity is spot-on, temp. is OK (although I did hook up another 800W heater just to keep things a little more even at night), but the pH was down to 7.54. I added some baked baking soda so that will bring it up some. I just can't fgure out why it is low.
could if be from you CO2? when the bottle got low < could of it just filled your reactor up then when you started it back up it dumped all that co2 in the system? call me crazy, just an idea?????
good luck bud hope things settle down, get a Witch to block your power lines from the wind, there has got to be one around your street some place. You could pay her with Brass Bra?
Check that your probe is fully submerged and clean, just in case it is a false reading. Check for pH in a separate cup in case it is the result of stray electricity.
I have loved this thread and have a stupid question.

How are you checking PH? monitor, etc. Have you considered
a redundant test of some kind? Maybe your test is off.
hey guys...back up and running. I made a horrible misjudgement yesterday and did not buy a generator like I should have. :(...The power went out at about 8pm last night (just before the Hawks so badly embarrassed themselves :rolleyes: ) and didn't come back on until 12:30 pm today. At 2:30am I woke up and started getting worried, doing the math in my head, 8am would mean 12 hours without power and that is my panic point. At about 4:30 am I went out to find a generator checking into all 24 hour places like Wal-Mart etc. Every store that I know of in this county was sold out of generators!

I searched all over, waiting until stores opened, questioning employees outside etc. I got back home at about 9am and was fairly depressed. I did find a generator in the window of an Electrical fix-it place but it didn't open until 10am...so I flipped through the yellow pages and by chance found a local tractor place listed under generators. It's in a large town but I took a shot and called them. The guy said they had 30 Honda generators in stock. I bit the bullet and went over there and they were unpacking generators as fast as they could. I couldn't make up my mind which one to get, and while I was deciding they were being picked off the shelves from right under me. aaarrghhhh!

I grabbed one and wouldn't let go. So I brought home a EB3000 to just run the the skimmer and pumps. I am not sure if it will handle one of my halides. I got it running and then went out to get more gas. None of the gas stations except one about 5 miles away was in operation. So I filled my cans and while doing so got a call from a tank sitter of a friend of mine. My friend is away on a cruise and the sitter was in a panic because the 450g system was down to 68F...I couldn't believe that I was going to go help this guy out and not go back to my place, but I couldn't turn him down. Anyway, after verifying the temp. and examining how the system was hooked up to the generator, I determined that since he had left the system off all night and the tanks are glass, that there just wasn't enough heat being generated by the system. The one probe he had is a WON and it was caked with deposits and not putting out much heat. I scraped it off, and added 3 more heaters, instructing the sitter to not let that generator go off until the tank has hit 80F.

So I came back to my place with my full cans and the power was on...typical that I buy the generator and then the power comes back on, but I guess that's the way it goes.
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Wow. That's quite a story. I need to go refill my gas cans, which have been empty for some time.
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