OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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I have 2 Jalli 800W titanium heaters in the main system but they don't come on very often. A combination of factors include that I allow the system to drop to 76.5, the volume of water is very large so the temp. drop is very slow, and the lamps and room provide good maintainance heat.
geez Gabriel, you're HOT! :lol:

I just can't get it done right now. I am armpit deep in a complete overhaul of our store and cannot do anything else. The fish are fine and I am battling a couple of minor mechanical issues but all is well on the reef. I have so many small tank related projects to do but may not be able to get to them until February.

I cleaned the skimmer yesterday, did a water change the day before, cleaned a couple of the Vortechs before that, and refilled my DI resin today. It's down to just one simple task per day right now...

We'll see what happens but it is by no means out of lack of desire or interest in keeping the reef sluts in their place. I will post pics ASAIC!! :rolleyes:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8839798#post8839798 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
geez Gabriel, you're HOT! :lol:

lol thanks i get that all the time.. its some eye candy for you....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8839743#post8839743 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
I have 2 Jalli 800W titanium heaters in the main system but they don't come on very often. A combination of factors include that I allow the system to drop to 76.5, the volume of water is very large so the temp. drop is very slow, and the lamps and room provide good maintainance heat.

Where did you get your heaters from Johnathan ?
Tom, I get them from Custom Aquatic. I have them in my SW mixing bin etc. too. and I would also highly recommend Ranco or Aqualogic controllers. They have a dual controller that is very good. The best selection IMO is at Aquatic-Eco Systems.
Quick update:

The reef is doing fine although I have a couple LPS still in stress from the alkalinity swings I had a few days ago. Those swings were due to what I consider to be a malfunctioning doser pump. The unit I have is the SP3000 (AquaMedic I believe) and in the "OFF" state it sometimes allows water to continue to flow.

I only have about 90g in my top-off reservoir, so it can't really cause a catastrophic event, but it will swing the alkalinity a bit. I can't figure out why the doser is doing this but I have resigned myself to coughing up the cash for a better one. :( I was leaving to go see Pride Fights at Sherman's and went to feed the fish before going. When I got into the tank room, the sumps were full to about an inch below the rims! As far as salinity goes, total change over the course of multiple over top-off events was just from 1.026 to 1.0245 so not too much harm done there.

Refugium: Seems to be stalling again. Grape caulerpa is growing slowly but chaeto is not doing much. I also have some cyano popping up. Plenty of snail babies etc. and I still see aiptasia even though there are 5 peppermint shrimp living in the fuge. I wonder what they are eating??

Snail grow-out tank: Runing well, salinity is spot on, water quality is good, skimmer is doing its job. Lots of growing snails and I see that the stomatella seem to be growing the fastest for some reason. Maybe it's because they move so much faster than other snails, and can get to more food?

Display: looking OK. coraline is rearing its ugly head again and I have no time to deal with it. No nuisance algae unless you count halimeda. :rolleyes: I need to cut some of that out. Anyone know if that will export nutrients? Or should I just let it fall to the bottom and create more sand?

PLTA still won't eat silversides I feed it. It just lets them go. It looks fine but I have no idea what it is eating. I guess the clowns are bringing it enough though!

The fish all look good and healthy.
Hey Jonathan! I hope you got your computer problems resolved. Does Eco-Tech have a controller for that Vortech yet? I would buy one if they did. When are you planning on doing a salt run? I'd love to go with!
If you want to go, then maybe Thurs. or Fri. You have to work on Fri. right? How about Thurs. then? Got your jacket over here too...

There is a single controller that is either available or will be soon. They have a strange upgrade offer so if I upgrade my pump driver to a controlable driver for $50, I get a new driver, single controller, and $25 discount to go towards the wireless controller when it is release later in '07. I wonder if I get $25 for each upgrade?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8877377#post8877377 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
I get a new driver, single controller, and $25 discount to go towards the wireless controller when it is release later in '07. I wonder if I get $25 for each upgrade?

I was wondering the same thing as I'll need 4.
So the PLTA after what seems to be weeks popped up on top of the rocks today, but unfortunately wrapped itself around an orange cap. I moved the cap at least temporarily and we'll see what this evil anemone does next! Stop laughing Sherman!! :rolleyes:
You might like this power option.

You might like this power option.

Hey there J I just got a toy you Might want to look into just a thought;<} For those short term blips in power in your case.
Just got I for mine and it will run my entire setup for at least 28 Min's and 4 hour's with out the Mh's and it's expandable.

2swift: And for the low low price of?


I'm still thinking of going with a converter so I can fire up one of the cars and run the pumps and heaters.

And I agree w/ Mrcrab here:
You keep confirming the fact that I don't want an anemone.
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