So I went into the store and found a USB cable to use...
Here are the shots.
Yes, that is 8 x 9" Aquatic-Eco fine pore stones...and the manifold weighs about 25 lbs.
I also mounted the Alita 100 above the water level for safety and a better, more direct flow of air. This alone is giving me a lot more air than how I had it before. The stones add some serious air producing surface area as well.
Based on what Sherman said, this seems to be a marked improvement. I just need to lower the water level another inch so I can run the water flat out.
And I have to give Sherman credit where it's due. I had purchased these new stones about 6+ months ago, and could not get past the whole design phase. I was caught up in designing a large port that would allow the manifold to be pulled out the side of the skimmer, but this required some serious acrylic work including a laminated port area to accept the screws, and a routed gasket install. Then one day, Sherman said, "why don't you just put a bulkhead in?"...I was a little surprised at my own idiocy to be honest. My whole scheme revolved around this stupid port, and all I needed to do was a bulkhead, since the top comes off the skimmer anyway.
Oh well, I certainly am glad he spoke up rather than be amused by my rediculous plan! :lol:
This thing is kickin' butt!!