OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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I knew you would. Just think of it as a new store that has the windows covered with butcher paper while they get it ready for opening...
when is the grand opening?:-)
between mowing the lawn and clean the coraline algea of your tank Jonathan I will mow the lawn....:-)
Hey Anthony, I have about 1.5 acres of lawn...sure you want to take that one on?

Yes Micki, it is. You should see the back. The coraline is so dense it is falling off in sheets like a sunburn peel.
I AM good at it! :eek:

Anyway, I pulled another one of my classic F ups last night. I blew my heater controller a couple of days ago so I popped in a Mag Drive pump to feed the skimmer and keep the tank warm. It got up to about 83F yesterday afternoon, so I took it offline. I also shut down half of the lamps.

What I didn't realize is that I had screwed up, and accidentally plugged the heater element directly to the power strip. So over night I baked the QT and when I went down this morning, worried that it would be too cool, I found it at 109F. CRAP. Double CRAP!!

Anyway it nuked the tank. Fortunately there wasn't anything of value in the tank except one tiny colony of zoanthids, which apparently survived. Of course evrything else is dead. I lost a ton of amphipods, copepods, snails, and I seriously lament the loss of the giant black stomatella. It was so cool, and we had established a relationship. :( I had never seen a black one before and this one was very cool.

The odd thing is, I had been contemplating removing the element since I wasn't able to control it, but got lazy and didn't do it. I really should get that tank hooked into my ACIII Pro!
wow Jonathan fortunate it was your QT tank. And it was not connected to your main system otherwise the disaster will be greater.
Well, You guys are so right. It definitely could have been worse if it was my display!

Oh well, I took a baby GBTA to a local reefers place yesterday and she has a replacement black stomatella for me. She is removing all stomatellas from her systems because apparently they eat clown eggs. I never heard that before, but it is an interesting note to make. She has about 26 tanks at her house, many of which are used for breeding various clownfish and seahorses, producing rotifers and brine shrimp, as well as her collection of anemones and clowns. SHe also has two large display tanks (450 & 280) and has been trying to pawn off a 14" and a 11" vlamingi. These fish are going to get to about 24" though, and the large one only seems to have diarrhea...


This shot is shortly after introducing the anemone, and the tank has about 400 babies.
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