one month after the upgrade to an 850gal reef

Curlybear... I still have the old tank; but, it is spoken for.

Julio.... 72w X 30h X 90d

Melev.... yes, everything is done from the rear. I wanted the tank to appear as a picture on the wall with no cabinetry. With the great access through the sliding light hood, I don't think I would even want to access through the front, even if I did have access through there.... I would have to be up on a ladder and reaching over the tank's lip. Your question on feeding is a great one.... I thought long and hard as to how to make feeding quick and easy (especially for others who are feeding the tank in my absence). In the sump (in those equipment pics), you'll notice a small (about 8" x 10") acylic baffle that surrounds one of the two return pumps. This baffle has holes at the bottom to allow water to be sucked from the sump as usual; however, what this baffle does do, is allow me or anyone else to dissolve frozen food in a cup and just pour it into this baffle. The pump sucks up the food into the tank and the baffle keeps the food around the return's intake until it is all sucked up to the main tank (and not blow around the sump where it might be caught up in skimmers or any other equipment). This way, anyone can feed the tank quickly and not have to get up onto the tank's platform to access the top of the tank. A great question Melev.... it is one that took me awhile to come up with a simple, yet pratical solution.

karm40... It is really hard to attribute my success to any one thing ....but, I guess that I would have to say planning. Trying to solve minor annoyance problems (like the feeding issue above) goes a long way in trying to create a large,yet easy to maintain system. Although my constant striving to improve the system might play a role too. I just can't leave the thing alone.
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What kind of lame excuse is ....

steveweast said:
I wanted to do something different that yielded a perspective that we seldom see ... even in large tanks.

...for upgrading your tank? I know you did it to give that worm more growing space...:D

Seriously, nice work, even better than the 500
There are 2 different species that look very similar. One is safe and the other isn't. On the safe one, the edge of one of the bands intersects the bottom tip of the anal fin. The non-safe one has this edge further back. If that doesn't make any sense, there are a couple of good threads with pics around.
Wow, totally awesome. I too have the image as my desktop image.

I am heading through the Portland area on our way to Eugene over thanksgiving, can you recommend a few LFS in the area?

I hope you don't have anyone at home learning how to park the car!!

If you said the unsafe one has the edge of the band goes further back, then Steve has the unsafe one. Or you have it the other way around.


Obviously (at least, I hope so), you don't have any pests (like flatworms, "red bugs", Montipora-eating nudibranchs, Aiptasia, etc., etc...). How do you treat/quarantine your new additions?
I have been pretty lucky in that I'm pest free. I do have some flatworms in my refugium; but, not those red ones that can become plague-like. I do dip all new corals in Tech-D; but, that's about it... with the exception of scutinizing every piece for hitchhikers.
Why is it in my dreams of winning the lotto,my tank still doesnt look that good?Awsome tank,I look at those pics every day and all i can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for the info Steve. I am planning a 900g SPS & clam tank 120L x 48W x +/- 38H and the info you have provided is directly applicable. My tank will be viewable on the two long sides and one end so not sure how to do internal closed loop yet.
Thanks again
dgasmd said:
Just a couple of quick questions for you.
-What pumps are you using for your close loops?
-Where did you get the compression fittings for the probes?
-What water change schedules do you have for this tank's volume?
-What do you do daily that takes you 1 hour of daily maintenance? Just curiosity.


I would appreciate if you could answer these questions. Great tank.

Also, where did you place the intakes for the close loops? Are the bulkheads you are using for them 2" or 1 1/2"? Why that size? Did you drill the bottom or the sides of the tank for the close loops?
dgasmd.... The responses to the quoted questions are on page 5....about ten posts down from your original. The bulkheads that I'm using for the closed loop (four of for each pump) are all 2". They are 2" because the closed loop pumps that I'm using have a 2" intake requirement. They are drilled through the bottom of the tank...they then terminate about 8" above the tank's bottom. I have a cage (about 8" x 10") that is made of eggcrate that surrounds the intake to avoid anything from getting sucked in. I'm a fanatic about not seeing any plumbing; so, I have these cages in the rear of the tank and completely hidden (but still accessible). I hate having the intakes so low (if there were a major plumbing failure, it could drain the tank); but, I hate seeing plumbing intakes even, I'm rolling the dice.

I apologize. I don't know how I could have missed it. Thanks.
I am surprised you went with the ampmaster pumps given all the bad publicity they ahve gotten here in RC due to their leaky seals and such. I will be moving soon and was planning originally to go with these pumps, but have reconsidered and will use sequence 5800 pumps instead. These things are extremely quiet and very well built.
Like yourself, I hate to see plumbing too. I had discarded the idea of drilling the tank from the bottom for the same reasons you mentioned. I may re-think that now.

Did you use any form of glue or silicone on the bulkheads?

dgasmd...'s funny that you mentioned that. I went with them because I had them on hand from a prevoius project. The leak issue is more of an annoyance than anything else; but, next week, I'm replacing two of them with the Seq 6000. I'm going to run them for a bit and see if I like them....if I do, then I replace the other two dolphins.

I use the heavy duty 80 schedule bulkheads and place a silcone bead around the edge for an added measure of security.