New member
My foxface is quite young not that big, has been in the tank for about 8 weeks now. Its a very skittish fish, dives for cover and changes colour even if I open the flap to feed. Other than that I have no concern, eats well, gets on with the other fish. I have noticed though that the black bar at the top where its spot is rarely if ever goes away. Is this normal, I only ask as it never looks like the reference pictures with the black dot against a bright yellow body.
300l (80g) tank
36 kg crushed coral and aragonite substrate
40kg live rock
Deltec mce600 skimmer
1000lph filter pump
Filter floss
1 2800 lph pump,( hydor koralia 3200)
1x hydor koralia 1600 pump
1 algae blenny
1 kole tang
1 Royal gramma
1 adorned wrasse
1 One spot foxface
1 coral beauty
1 strawberry conch
3 nassarius snails
6 small red legged hermits
1 Mexican turbo snail
1 tuxedo urchin
1 tube anemone
1 boxer shrimp
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
300l (80g) tank
36 kg crushed coral and aragonite substrate
40kg live rock
Deltec mce600 skimmer
1000lph filter pump
Filter floss
1 2800 lph pump,( hydor koralia 3200)
1x hydor koralia 1600 pump
1 algae blenny
1 kole tang
1 Royal gramma
1 adorned wrasse
1 One spot foxface
1 coral beauty
1 strawberry conch
3 nassarius snails
6 small red legged hermits
1 Mexican turbo snail
1 tuxedo urchin
1 tube anemone
1 boxer shrimp
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk