Oops! Cracked my collection cup!


In a fit of complete clumsiness I threw the collection cup for my 3115/2 against the tile floor. It cracked the riser where it goes into the cup. The crack goes about half way around and goes an inch into the bottom of the collection cup. So my question is: What type of glue can I use to fix it? Will crazy glue work? Or should I try Weld on 42?

Also I purchased a 6000 with a single controller (which is I am very, very happy with) but I do have one question. The feed button does not seem to work. I push it and it still switches back and forth. Why?


edit: I would just replace but considering the new house and "we need to cut waaayyyy back on the spending for a while" conversation I just had with the wife, it may look kinda bad for me to drop (pun) $40 on the tank:D
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Weld On works very well. The cup is polycarbonate so it does work fine. A few tips, use toothpics to hold the crack open then put the glue on. You can use large rubberbands to loosely hold the cup together while the glue cures.
The single controller could be fine. Is it one turn every 20 seconds or so? That is a program called fishcare that is supposed to scare fish away so little gobies and blennies don't seek refuge in the pump.
Thanks Roger. I'll be mixing up some weld on tonight!

I believe the controller I have is the 7091. When I push the feed button the flow does not slow down at all and just keeps switching back and forth. I also have a photo controller hooked up as well. I don't that could have anything to do with it or not.
It might, push it in firmly, unplug the pump from the wall and trty again. If it still doesn't work send it in and I'll fix it.