opinion on adding new fish


New member
I have a 30 gal tank. The 3 fish that are in it now have been there for a year. The fish are 1 clown,1 magenta dottyback and 1 pink spotted goby. I would like to add another fish and have been thinking of a six-line wrasse. What are your opinions about adding this fish?
IMO you are already at about max (what kind of clown--Maroon??). Besides I think the dotty and 6-line will fight.
Its not a maroon. Its a false perc. I don't think my dottyback would cause any problems, she's real shy. I have a skimmer and I do weekly water changes. Do you still think the addition of another fish would make me over stocked?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6946196#post6946196 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mstump
Its not a maroon. Its a false perc. I don't think my dottyback would cause any problems, she's real shy. I have a skimmer and I do weekly water changes. Do you still think the addition of another fish would make me over stocked?

If you have coral (mushrroms do not count) then I would hesitate to add another fish. If it is a FOWLR, go ahead.

But over-all just adding one 6-line will not be overstocked, even with a semi reef (IMO). Good Luck :)