Opinion on this article


New member
I am trying to get opinions on this article.


Jay told me about using pickling lime. Then, I started looking for a way to add kalk without a kalk reactor. I found this article and I am wondering if I could get away with mixing the pickling lime right in the auto top off resevoir. The Maxi Jet 1200 in there comes on maybe every 45 minutes or so for about 1 and a half seconds. Would it work for me to add kalk this way instead of through a reactor? The way I read this article, it seems like it might be fine.

I have always had great experiences with the advice I have received from Jeremy, Jay, and everyone at PA. So, I figured I would see what you guys thought.
Hi Gerald,

That would be no problem adding the lime water in this fashion. I know of quite a few guys who are currently doing it this way with no problems at all.

The only thing I would worry about is the rate of which you are dosing this into your system via the top off pump. Ideally you want to add the solution very slowly, to avoid any spikes in ph. As long as you are doing this, I see no disadvantages what so ever.