ORCA presents the 3rd Southeastern Reef Conference


Registered Member
You probably should provide a link to more details on your club site, as well as a few more facts. I didn't see any information on the ORCA site.
ORCA is in the process of acquiring the fourth speaker.
Confirmed speakers are:
Anthony Calfo, Bob Fenner, Eric Borneman
date: 7-11-09 all day event

Website will go live very soon: www.src2009.com where you can purchase tickets, and learn all the details about this awesome event.
Also tickets will be available at ORCA's January 31 frag event meeting. www.o-r-c-a.com
Ticket price $45.
ORCA members $35.
Anyone who registers early receives 10 FREE raffle tickets.
As far as the pricing, SRC was first held in 2005 and pricing has not increased. And remember, the price includes lunch and did we mention register early to receive 10 FREE raffle tickets?! This is a great value for the caliber of speakers, raffle, lunch, frag event, and vendors.
Hope to see you there!
Terry Alexander
2009 ORCA President