Oregon Tort baby frag question


Premium Member
ok i have a piece of the Oregon tort..it is the real one as i have seen the difference between the cali (etc) and the oregon.

my question is i want to know if anyone else has seen thier be different colors then the nice deep blue when it is a baby frag.

mine is about 1/4-1/2" long and it is pretty much yellowish..w/ a green hue. where the corlites are it is blue but on the body (no branches yet) it is that yellowish green.

was wondering if others noticed thier baby size frags doing this till they grew out well

Haven't seen yellow or green but I've seen a pic of a colony that went completely purple in low light. Also saw a pic of a frag in a ZEO guy's tank the other day and it was almost all white with blue at the tips.
hmm...weird. i'm sure it is just a stage and it will get out of it but i figured i would see if this is common for small frags

otoliths was the real Oregon Tort wasn't it Travis???

Something doesn't sound quite right. I see a lot of those around here and never anything but various shades of blue including my own. Mine was about 1/2" when I got it from the LFS too.
Oregon torts have the unmistakable blue (in most tank I have seen) Its like an aqua glowing blue :D
Only other color I have seen on a small frag is brown :)
This pic is a good representation of the color
well if the person said it is i'm sure it is. :)

a good way to see if it's a real oregon is the flesh. it looks more "rubbery" than other acros.
Brad and jackson- the mother colony was that electric aquaish blue...amazing coral

it looks all goofy as it was fragged a LOT. the color is the electric blue that you are used to seeing. the camer just didn't pic it up or that was an old pic of the mother colony. when i saw it in person it was amazing

merlock - funny funny. mine does look rubbery. almost fake

ilusion - thanks for the. pics. definately looks different then my cali tort or my SB tort. not a yellow tort either

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Mr. Bucket,

That is one unusual looking O. tort. Your frag sounds unusual, but when acro frags are cut really small, they typically exhibit colors that are never exhibited in the parent colony.

Examples of this include, but are not limited to: :D
Purple Monster, simplex, montipora, and millepora.

I'd wait and watch.

John has good online pics of an O. tort.
Yes, otolith's was the Oregon. The odd growth on his colony looks more like it is due to the colony being moved around a lot than because of fragging. And I agree, that pic is not a good representation of what it looked like in person.
A bit of the Story which Is also posted here in the sps forum somewhere...

Shaun form Waves Marine (old owner) got it on a shipment... He lost almost all of it but a Few pieces... He told me he had a mad 16Dkh alk spike and the Coral turned blue and stayed that way.. Travis (Upscales Owner) came in and wanted a frag so Travis ended up with a piece as well... A few weeks later as I hear It Shaun lost the entire thing and Travis' survived and is how things became with it.. Over the years Rick From soutas got some as well as quite a few other people locally... It is a very common thing around here.. Everyone has to have one locally and I must say that about 90% of the members of our club active with SPS do have one... My Current Oregon tort is about a 4" stick..

Cool story. I had heard about the trail of ownership before, but not the alk spike part.

James, do you think Rick's have evolved in to a darker blue than Travis'? They appear that way to me. By the way, not knocking one over the other, both have phenomenol colors.
Not sure if this will post. Please someone get the picture here if you know how.

From my gallery. I have two pics of my OBT frag in there. One from early 05 I think and this one from a couple days ago.

Some of the growth is cut off in the pic. It was mainly to show body and polyp color.


THIS PHOTO IS NOT ALTERED AT ALL. It's taken under a mix of 10kk lamps with actinic also and pretty much is how it looks in my tank believe it or not.

The older pic in my gallery was under 20kk and does look strange.
